February 8,9,10..What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??

Change of plans...olive and coconut oil make my hair smell like death. I'm gonna put some nuetragena condish in and leave it in until the morning, then ill shampoo and wear a curly bun tomorrow since we did the ceremony today. There was really no point in wearing my 3rd day straight hair when I had my cover pulled down so it wouldn't blow off. Glad I didn't use one of my flat iron passes!
I want to get my hair ready for tomorrow with an overnight prepoo.....so not in the mood....but duty calls...I'm getting my 6 inches!!!
Last weekend I henna and indigo'd my hair. The henna took, but for some reason, the indigo didn't take on a section of my hairline and my hair there is still red from the henna... Sooooo, I'm redoing my hairline with indigo only.

I have never tried this before and am praying that I don't come away with green hair around my hairline (but I think I should be ok).
Went ahead and detangled...after a week of no combing i only had a small amount of shedding. Oiled my scalp with coconut oil, plaits and tied up for bed. Tomorrow I'm thinking of doing a black rinse, steaming, poo, dc...back in my bun.
