Feature of the Month


Well-Known Member
This may be a dumb question and maybe I missed it on this new layout but where are the Feature of the Month pictures? I don't see anything for September or the previous months like in the old forum.

I asked the same question yesterday, but no replies yet. Hopefully someone will help us out with this. I was looking forward to seeing the September feature.
I'm so glad others are posting about this, because I too was looking for the September Feature. Feature of the Month is one of the main reasons I joined the forum because these ladies provide inspiration during times of hair doubts. I hope this feature still exists or I'll be highly upset and may consider cancellation.
Several features have been disabled in the forum the last few hours. I am hunting down an area of the forum which causes slow downs so once I get to it I will gradually enable everything for your usage.

Thank you for your patience.