Fear of my Hair!


New Member
Hello Ladies!

First I want to thank you all SO much for your invaluable knowledge and willingness to share! I'm a semi-lurker to the hair forums (I'm addicted to the makeup forum...lol). But, after years of seeing such awesome results from you all, I decided to get serious about my hair. It is in the best condition that's it been in a loooong time (however it lacks shine and is a bit dull---if anyone can point me in the direction on how to combat that, I will greatly appreciate it!!) I wash and dc once a week, co wash, protective styling 99% of the time, paying attn to ingredients in products, etc...

But here's the thing. I got a touchup and roller set today. My hair looks great! However, I'm afraid to have it down!!! I'm extra cognizant of my ends being exposed, I can feel if any strands get caught. I'm unconsciously putting my hands in my hair. I'm freaking out! I can't enjoy my hair when its not in a bun. Oh boy. Will I get over this, or is this just the price I'm going to have to pay for banging ends? I planned on cowashing after the gym on tues, so really my hair is just going to be down for 2 days. But, I want it up!!!!!

Am I being extra paranoid??
I think when all of this is no longer new and you understand that everything in moderation is the key you will feel more relaxed and comfortable about having your hair down and showing the world your progress and diligent work.

Then you could turn out to be just one of those people who only wear there hair out once in a while or even rarely and that is okay too. You have to find what makes you comfortable and not be a slave to your hair.

Congrats on the progress and continue to enjoy the journey of healthy hair care!
Thanks! I will continue to learn from u ladies and learn how to enjoy my hair in the process! :)

Too funny! I got my hair relaxed last week, and it was the first time wearing my natural hair in over 7 years (I'm a Weave Queen). I felt guilty wearing it down for a few days, I kept touching it and just over obsessing:ohwell:. I'm now back to cowashing, airdrying ad wrapping or braiding my hair and wearing my wig again. Plus I work out every morning and went to work looking like The Lion King all last week:blush: