Fear and my children


Well-Known Member
For a long time I have been struggling with my son who has issues with learning. His teachers early on saw his struggle and along with my consent formed an ILP instruction for him. It seems he is not focused and he seems to not put forth the effort in his courses. This is a kid who used to play a video game hours straight, until you told him to turn it off. He had to graduate from summer school when he was in middle school. So he did not participate in the graduation ceremony.

Now he is in high school his last year, and he seems to not get that grades are important. I have tried and tried to encourage him, get him involved in activities and such when he is interested. He keeps saying it's hard for him BUT I tell him he has to put in the time. He doesn't study as he should and he constantly has missing assignments. Even though I supply him with a book to write everything down. His teachers are very patient and offers tutoring before and after school. Some even take time on lunch if he would come in. It pains me to see that he doesn't make the connection with his grades now and his future. He keeps saying he is going to college but he only gets D's and F's constantly. I'm constantly getting calls from teachers telling me what I already know that I KNOW he can do it. He's very creative with writing stories and drawings.

It is his effort or lack thereof. He wasn't cutting it in traditional classes so they gave him ILP. These are supposed to be a little easier and he still seems to struggle. His dad and I are constantly talking to him trying to get him on the right track. He has unexcused absences from classes, but always has an opposite statement than the teacher. I have let fear captivate my mind, body and soul when it comes to him.I know he struggles and doesn't make connections at times. I worry he won't have a career to take care of himself. I worry that he hasn't enjoyed high school. I worry that he won't be that he won't be perceived as a smart, intelligent man to obtain a job to care for himself. The list goes on and on and on.I have shed many tears over this, wondering where did I go wrong? Did I not give him proper care when carrying him, etc. I always think this is my pay back for every sin I've possibly done in my lifetime. A son that brings me grief and sadness.

So yesterday, I was so full after talking to his teachers and seeing his grades. I just went birzerk on him! I blasted him in the worst way, and I let him know all the frustrations I felt he caused me and how I was completely tired of his antics. I said some terrible things that a mother should not say to a child. I was so full that I told him to not speak to me for the rest of the day. I totally ignored him for the rest of the evening and only spoke to my daughter. I spoke around him and whatever I needed him to know I told my daughter to tell him. When he left for school this morning, I didn't even say good bye to him.

My heart is very heavy because I let my anger and fear use me for negativity. I can only imagine how a child processes the words I spoke to him yesterday. I didn't use curse words but I unleashed on him really good. I feel really sad because I love my son with everything in me but I felt hopeless and helpless and let my emotions get the best of me. I really am sorry for feeling the thoughts and feelings I had yesterday. I just wanted to share because my heart is heavy today.
@syze6 I’m sorry that you are going through this…

I don’t have children so I am speaking from my heart. Is it possible for you to pick your son up after school and have a heart to heart talk with him? He needs to hear from your mouth that you love him and will always love him.

Pray and ask God to give you wisdom and the right words to say to your son. Also, give your son an opportunity to say what is on his heart.

Also, have you taken your son to the doctor for a physical check up? Perhaps, if you explain to the doctor what is going on maybe he can help.

Did you air your concerns with his pediatrician? He might need meds to concentrate and might be ADD/ADHD. You wouldn't know if he weren't evaluated by his doctors and teachers.

ETA to expound:

I don't know if my suggestion was appreciated or not, but for the sake of your child, rule out any biological/psychological problem and make sure your pediatrician knows about his behavior. They should be asking how your child is fairing in school because they can have biological reasons for not being able to function and concentrate. He may be trying and might not find the way to keep up with everyone else. Is he dyslexic in some way? Have all routes of examination been exhausted? Does he have proper structure? I notice you said he plays video games for hours at a time. That is not generally a good structure for a student. Just for the sake of your child...please seek medical evaluation. I'm not saying not to pray, but utilize all the gifts the G-d gives us because, often, our problems have a behavioral basis that needs shifting for the whole family. He just might have been undiagnosed his whole life.
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Dear syze6


I am a Mom and I raised my son and daughter and it is only by the Grace of God that my son survived and is still thriving. My daughter was a 'good girl'. Always the best grades, the pride of her teachers, always pretty in pink, and to this day, all though full grown, she is still 'Mommie's baby girl'.

Reading your post, I could easily say, that this was me and my son, as he was going through his school years. He had all of the abilities to do well but he just could not stay focused. Yet as you shared, my son also loved to 'create'.

I can remember releasing anger towards my son, never cursing, yet letting him know how angry and frustrated I was with him. I was so, so, SO tired of going back/forth to his schools because of his behavior issues. It was so depressing and it took it's toll upon me.

One day when my son turned 16, he came to me and begged me to let him 'quit school'. I said No. He said, Mom I promise you I will not mess up, please let me leave school, I'm not happy there; school is not working out for me. Please, Mom, let me leave school.

I let my son go. From there he entered into a trade school and from there he graduated with honors. He was doing what he loved to do best, 'create'. My son, loves to build, he loves carpentry and designing. He did not finish regular school, but he did finish the trade school and he is still thriving and making a good living. He also loves the Lord and serves him :yep:

syze6, as one Mom to another Mom, heart to heart, I embrace you. I do. :huggle: As a 'sister' in Christ, I embrace you too.

I know the hurts, the hills, the mountains and the valleys of the struggles with a child who does not 'conform' to the 'normal' expectations of learning. Yet God still has a 'gift' in them; a gift to excel and a gift that will propel them into greatness.

I found a book, "Love You Forever", and I gave it to my darling son.

There's a phrase in the book that is repeated on each page that says,

'I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby, you'll be."

It was a book that expressed a Mom's love for her son, from birth to her golden years. My son, loved this book so much for he knew that it was his and his book alone and it was my 'Love Letter' to him... for always. He still has this book with him and he knows that I will always be his 'Mom', forever.

syze6, God is making this okay, for you and your son... :love2:


Thank You Shimmie for those words...I appreciate them whole heartedly. I had to ask God to allow me to release my fear I have surrounding my son, and trust that he has him. I felt so bad today and I can't wait to go home and apologize to him. I realize I have to take my hands off of the situation and know the God will cover him for me. He really is in his little world. He doesn't participate in sports because he never like it. He finally joined track and before that I was disappointed because I thought boys are expected to play sports.

He has a gentle heart about him and he loves his mommy. I just got so upset because it seemed my efforts and words were falling on death ear. He had numerous detentions, acting out in class, and things that was not lining up with how I was teaching him. It was amazing the stories the teachers told because at home I was not having it. It's like he went to school and was a different child. I know for my health I have to let it go and just trust. There are times I'm talking to him trying to get through to him, and I feel my chest get so tight. I feel as if I'm going to pass out because of the stress surrounding him. I realize that isn't good for me and I can't spend all my days living like that.

I know my son can do it, I just have to sit back and let him show himself.
Thank You Shimmie for those words...I appreciate them whole heartedly. I had to ask God to allow me to release my fear I have surrounding my son, and trust that he has him. I felt so bad today and I can't wait to go home and apologize to him. I realize I have to take my hands off of the situation and know the God will cover him for me. He really is in his little world. He doesn't participate in sports because he never like it. He finally joined track and before that I was disappointed because I thought boys are expected to play sports.

He has a gentle heart about him and he loves his mommy. I just got so upset because it seemed my efforts and words were falling on death ear. He had numerous detentions, acting out in class, and things that was not lining up with how I was teaching him. It was amazing the stories the teachers told because at home I was not having it. It's like he went to school and was a different child. I know for my health I have to let it go and just trust. There are times I'm talking to him trying to get through to him, and I feel my chest get so tight. I feel as if I'm going to pass out because of the stress surrounding him. I realize that isn't good for me and I can't spend all my days living like that.

I know my son can do it, I just have to sit back and let him show himself.

I know these feelings all too well. God gave me so many scriptures for my son and I have seen each of them come to past in his life. This one is one of my favorites; for God promised to watch over my son. :yep:

Isaiah 27:3

I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

Remember how God anointed Samuel? His Mom, Hannah dedicated him unto the Lord. I dedicated my son unto the Lord and God is doing great things in his life, even when he is distracted. and my son indeed gets distracted... and quite often. But because he is God's, God keeps my son back on track. :yep:

Dearest Sister, just tell your son, or even write these words to him in a card:

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

Our sons will always be our babies no matter what. My son is taller, stronger has more muscle than me, yet he is still my baby. So is my darling daughter, always my baby girl and she knows this too. :love2:

God's peace is all around you, Precious syze6 and in your heart and it's yours forever. So is your son. Your son loves you forever. :love3: