Favorite Sulfate-free Shampoo

:wave:Hi ladies, I'm new to this forum, been lurking for a few weeks and have come with a question. My favorite shampoo has been the original formula of CON brand, since the formulary has changed I'm in search of another sulfate-free shampoo. Just to let you guys know I am 4a with really wirey hair, also Im transitioning. Last relaxer 4/09. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. TIA

Hello Neek-a-Nator,
I know this may be OT but I just wanted to throw this out there in case you were not aware. I am currently transitioning as well, but I've learned that as we transition from relaxed to natural hair, it's important to have shampoos that have protein in them as well. Relaxers tend to strip our hair of protein which results in breakage at the line of demarcation. So if you do find a nice sulfate free shampoo make sure it also has protein in it. I'd be interested to know if anyone knows of one. I currently use Aphogee, and although it does a good job with replenishing protein, it still can be a little drying.
