Father Who Adopts Loves Braiding Ethiopian Daughter's Hair

I dug up this article for my daughter in law today. She saw the video of lil Autumn and her Mom. I figured she needed to see real love when it comes to hair care.

Good of you to share this again OP.
I read this interview this morning and I am so loving this man. He needs to counsel the mother in that controversial video where she's torturing her child while brushing her hair.
This is such a beautiful story. LOL at the 'brown froth called Carol's daughter' though. :grin: They recognize that it's so much more than hair & how important that is to kids in similar situations.

Not only will she have a great head of hair as she grows up, she will have a much better sense of identity & very cool relationship with her dad.

Thanks for posting!
This story kinda makes me sad because it is such an exception not the rule.... why isnt it a black man doing his daughter's hair or better yet some black mothers doing their childrens hair
Absolutely beautiful and touching story. With a lot of love and patience, we all can have beautiful hair no matter what!
This is so sweet!!

Now fast forward 10 years to when her brother lets her practice her braiding skills on him: