Fasting ?


New Member
Can someone pls help me out here !

I would like to start fasting 2morrow and reading some verse/psalms in the bible concerning a few decisions i will be making end 2008 that God should directs my steps and help me make the right decisions and also praying towards my future man that he should find his way to my heart and i to his in 2008.

But i would like to fast from 6 am to 15 pm is that enough or is the whole day bettter ?

Where in the bible should i focus on reading ?
There are lots of different ways to fast. If you are going to abstain please begin to eat a cleansing diet. Doing this will keep you from having headaches. Check your local library and amazon for some books that have tips on fasting basics. If this is spiritually motivated ask the Father in prayer what he wants you to give up. he will answer! I am currently Fasting for the season of Lent. No Red meat or Fowl. Fish on Friday. Lots of fresh fruits and Veggies. No soda!!!!, no caffeine of any kind in any form. Daily bible reading ( I found a bible that is divided by the days of the year) As I made this committment and have kept it, what I have prayed for as been answered... even that little prayer I had about my hair.:yep: