Fasting for the Katrina Victims


Active Member
Im thinking about fasting starting sudnay for the Katrina vitmins. I feel bad sitting here eating food while there are people that were affected by the hurricane starving with no food and water.
Does anybody want to join me?
Girl you and I are on the same page. I was just thinking about starting a thread just like this one. I was out shopping today and was thinking about how fortunate I am and how all those people are without food and water. I am willing to start on Monday. Q
Out of curiosity, and not to be rude in the least...but how will Katrina victims benefit from you fasting? Many times when I've eaten over the last several days I've thought about how blessed I am to have food when so many have not, but...I am not really wanting to starve myself for that reason. I would rather donate some food or money to make sure the victims don't go hungry again.
Sometimes we take advantage of the things we have. I wanted to take a moment to stop and think and remember those who have nothing.
Ladies we have a weekly fasting and prayer team that fast every week about specific topics. We just ended our beginning of month fast for three(3) days on Saturday and the next one is scheduled for the 15th. This is a team fast and some of us still do our individual fast also. There is unity in strength. See the thread below we have about 65 total team members. We are fasting and praying as a lifestyle for preventive maintanence and of course for concerns of the world, emergencies etc. :)
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Hey Cincy, don't worry you are not being rude at all.
There are different types of fasting you can do not just cutting out food completely. Some fast from sun up to sundown, some do water only, some cut out meats. It just depends on what you are capable and willing to do. It does not have to be long, you could fast for a day, week, whatever.

However, along with fasting is prayer. We will not just be turning down our plates but also getting on our knees to GOD. I will be doing this as a show of faith in GOD to bring healing and recovery to those affected.
Matthew 17:20-21 So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you

21- However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

But I will be donating items and tonight my husband and some members from our church are on our way to help out the victims that just arrived here. Fasting and praying will allow me to go to GOD and provide the healing and change that my help, money, nor food can give. Take care Q