
Active Member
I just have to come out and say that I have had an on again off again addiction to over-eating. It has been controlling my life for a very long time. I pray about the situation, but God recently let it be known that prayer is not enough in this situation.

Let me just also say that I now know the IMPORTANCE of staying prayed up on circumstances that you want to be delivered from. Me of course would pray on it and as God would start delivering me I would kinda sweep it under the rug and how inconsistent of me! Im here now, just asking for your prayers as well as your support, and any Testimonies that you may be willing to share. I plan on doing a liquid fast for at least 30 days. It will consist of protein shakes for my meals, water,tea, and coffee. Now these are meal replaxement shakes so i am getting my vitamins and minerals. I know some of you may be thinking wow this is pretty strict, but if you only knew my struggle that I go through on a day to day basis. It has seriously taken over my life! I dont go anywhere except for work. I stay at home all day everyday because I dont like the way I look. It has led me to become depressed and not have any friends or social life. I even call into work alot of the times because i have eaten so much to where my clothes do not fit right. My self esteem is so low. Im tired of going around smiling as if everything is okay and on the inside it feels as if im dying. What makes the situation worse and scary is that im not even hungry when i overeat.

I have to take a stand and show God that I cannot do this without him and I just pray that he takes me out if this bondage. I want to live life fully and i want to experience JOY. I feel as if I can sacrifice eating and eating and just give this situation to Him that He will make a way.

Please, any comments or thoughts are GREATLY appreciated because i really dont have someone that im comfortable talking about this with face to face. God Bless you all and I look forward to reading your comments.
Hi Ceelo ,

It may take a while to get some responses. I was just thinking it may also be a good idea to get at the emotional root that is causing you to over eat, otherwise it may just manifest in other ways when the eating is controlled. I do believe that fasting will help as well. But I pray that God makes you whole. Thank you for sharing your heart, will be praying for you concerning this. There is a nice thread by pink pebbles about emotions. Sometimes actively replacing thoughs and challenging ways we react by reading helps to. God bless. Praying.
Hi Ceelo ,

It may take a while to get some responses. I was just thinking it may also be a good idea to get at the emotional root that is causing you to over eat, otherwise it may just manifest in other ways when the eating is controlled. I do believe that fasting will help as well. But I pray that God makes you whole. Thank you for sharing your heart, will be praying for you concerning this. There is a nice thread by pink pebbles about emotions. Sometimes actively replacing thoughs and challenging ways we react by reading helps to. God bless. Praying.

I was just about to reply and say exactly this. You need to come to term what exactly what is making you over eat. Otherwise you will loose the weight and go back to over eating. I think you eluded to loosing weight then gained it right back.
:bighug: Ceelo :bighug:

Precious Child of God... You are created in love and you walk in beauty. The hurts inside which caused the cravings no longer abide ... the Love of God shall override it's temptation set against you.

Whatever it takes, you are already beyond victorious and victorious you shall always be. It's God's love for you that you will always see; all things old are under the Blood of Jesus.

You are crowned with righteousness; strength and deliverance unto you shall bow, for these are the 'gifts' which God has endowed upon you in abundance.

Whatever the 'hurts' which took their 'cover' in your heart, they are no longer lordship of your emotions nor your actions, nor an influence of what you eat. It is the Lord Jesus Himself with the ease of the Holy Spirit and the strength of God the Father, whom shall lead you and guide your and protect you as you walk into clear victory changing your life.

You are healed, You are delivered, You are set free. Nothing and no one has power over you for you have been made more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you and always has and always will.

You are now called 'Beautiful'... One of Grace and Strength.

In Jesus' Name, you are not a failure and you never were. The word 'addiction' is just that.... a word, which no longer has power over you and never will.

To God be the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
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Thank you all so much. Yes i know how it can be stemminh form underlying issues on the inside i just have to figure out what. sidney and Shimmie Thank you both for praying. Sidney I jus recently stumbled upon your blog and your posts are Amazing..Shimmie you brought me to tears and I love you for that prayer. God bless you all..I am starting tomorrow and will be checking in
Thank you all so much. Yes i know how it can be stemminh form underlying issues on the inside i just have to figure out what. sidney and Shimmie Thank you both for praying. Sidney I jus recently stumbled upon your blog and your posts are Amazing..Shimmie you brought me to tears and I love you for that prayer. God bless you all..I am starting tomorrow and will be checking in

You're not a failure, sweetheart. You never were. The thorns of the past have lost their power over you. You can now enjoy the Roses, they were always meant for you; the soft petals and fragrance without the thorns.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
Shimmie i really appreciate this. I know thus addiction stems from something deep within. Only things I can think of is a situation my very first semester in college, I was taken advantage of by 3 guys. With my virginity taken from me it made way for promiscuity. I shudder just thinkn about it all. I ended up calling myself "escaping" when i was imtroduced to a friends brother. I calles myself falling in love, but it was lust. At the time my family was split up and I felt like I just nees someone who loves me not take advantage of me like others have. I ended up moving away with him after only knowing him for 6 months! Things were at the time i felt wonderful but I never opened up to him abouy the hurtful things that went on in my past for fear of REJECTION. I mean who wants a girl who has been taken advantage of in that way?He actually proposed to me and of course me being young and uses to rejextion said yes. I figured no one else will want me. I know for a fact I didnt love myself the way a Godly woman should and i allowed verbal and emotional abuse from him and I TOOK IT. Then my Father passed and things got even worse.. I turned to marijuana, alcohol, FOOD..Things got so bad with us after 3 1/2 years we split. We tried to patch things up after i moved home and he fed me so many broken promises.. This guy put me through a whirlwind of emotions. One minute he still wanyed to marry me and the next he didnt..I finally ended it all for good. I threw myself in the Word and started to get closer with God
Little did i know that satan would swoop back in and allow another"man" to throw me off course. He was in college, nice looking, and so interested in me i couldnt figure out why? I was also so slim by this time i figured that he was interested bc i lost weight. We dated and he was so sweet in the beginning, but when the summer came he went home to his fam and I thought to myself this guy he's so fine he probably wont even want me when school starts back. I wasnt in college at the time so all kinds of insecure feelings set in and I did the only thing I knew how for comfort EAT..I hadnt saw him for 3 months and when i finally did i knew he could tell the difference. I was so insecure i started back on a journey to lose weight. I dieted,dieted,dieted and was exercising everyday! It made no difference to him. He changed and i suffered from REJECTION yet again. He sent me a txt to break up with me and i fell apart. What really did it was that I found out about him and other females while we were dating.
REJECTION?? I dont know if this is the cause but I know it plays a factor. Ive been wronged by so many men in my life. I now pray really hard that God take my mind off of MEN and solely on him. I dont want to keep thinking about who my next potential man could be I mean i've been hurt and betrayed enough by men but I know that GOD never changes. I just allow myself to get too low.
Im 25 and for about 6 years i have lived life in a bubble full of my past hurts addictions and insecurities. IM TIRED. I see people so happy all the time but i just cannot find the guts to open up with someone who will accept me for me. Damage and all. I told God whenever we get thru this and you decide you want to send me friends or a mate that i pray for no counterfeits. I need some godly people in my life who wont judge me or reject me. My ex-fiance rejected me when i finally told him about the painful events in my mom kinda blabbed to othera about it when i asked her not too..smh I just dont know anymore..but I kno the way is to trust in Him and lean not unto my own understanding.

Im soooo sorry if this post is long, but I just had to do this and I pray that anyone else that has been thru similar events or even just wants to post some insight do so..You never know who may be reading and need encouragement for I know I am one of them..God Bless
I think you should see a christian psychologist or counselor who can help bring out the underlying cause professionally. It would probably put you on a faster track for healing. Prayers are with you!!
Thank you auparavant. Yes I have tried the counseling and they basically were telling me what I already knew and deep down I felt like I cant expect them to understand how im feeling if they have not gone thru themselves. I figure that not working out as i thought is Gods way of showing me to just rwly on him. I pretty much see my issues but ive never had them just pile up on me like recently.. Im at the edge of a breakthrough I feel its just a little painful right now, but i know its momentary

Im soooo sorry if this post is long, but I just had to do this and I pray that anyone else that has been thru similar events or even just wants to post some insight do so..You never know who may be reading and need encouragement for I know I am one of them..God Bless

Throughout your life's journey, the good and the sad; God has kept your garden of roses alive; He has removed each of the thorns. It's your time to enjoy them. The past is over; your new life has already begun. The very moment you sad, 'I'm tired' was the moment of your deliverance.

Gather your roses and live in peace and joy.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose: :rosebud: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
Shimmie you're right..Im goin to get thru this..somebody had to be me and im really realizing that..we go thru for a reason and sidney blog..I remember her post saying "that our destinies are tied to each other" that statement is so powerful and I just wanna console evwry woman who has been thru the turmoil that I have..This will be my testimony..I feel it..but thank you all for your kind words and PRAYERS..I love you all very much for it..GOD BLESS
@Shimmie you're right..Im goin to get thru this..somebody had to be me and im really realizing that..we go thru for a reason and @sidney blog..I remember her post saying "that our destinies are tied to each other" that statement is so powerful and I just wanna console evwry woman who has been thru the turmoil that I have..This will be my testimony..I feel it..but thank you all for your kind words and PRAYERS..I love you all very much for it..GOD BLESS

2 Corinthians 1
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.

Indeed, your testimony will comfort others. Abide in His comfort, He will give you the testimony! Praying for you, and thanks for sharing your heart with us!
Shimmie you're right..Im goin to get thru this..somebody had to be me and im really realizing that..we go thru for a reason and sidney blog..I remember her post saying "that our destinies are tied to each other" that statement is so powerful and I just wanna console evwry woman who has been thru the turmoil that I have..This will be my testimony..I feel it..but thank you all for your kind words and PRAYERS..I love you all very much for it..GOD BLESS

:rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: