Faster Hair Growth


New Member
I was wondering, do these products that we spray/apply on our hair/scalp really increased hair growth!?!?!

I hear soo many raves about MTG, Surge and other products and I've tried them only to notice, when I do spray onto my hair all it does is reverts the hair closer to the scalp making it appear as if it's new growth and growing rapidly. I find in my case, it's the water content which is reverting my hair and not all this expected new growth. It seems deceiving IMO. Does anyone feel like this?
Everyone hair's responds differently. With using surge, I did not just measure the new growth. I measured the entire length of different sections of my hair and I definetely had faster growth when I used surge. I was gaining 1 inch per month. Now that I'm stopped surgin daily, I down to 1/2 inch per month.