Faster Hair Growth: 1 Inch in 6 Weeks with Vitamins/Exercise

1 inch in 6 weeks is about a little over the average growth rate (1/2 an inch in 4 weeks) Glad it's working for you!
Congrats on the hair growth I really needed to here this because I am starting to excercise 5 days a week to lose some weight (50 plus lbs) and I need to start taking my vitamins again. The bonus will be the hair growth.
I do cardio 5 times a week (between 30 -45 mins) and also weight train 3x a week (about 30 mins).

I run for as long as I can one day. The next day I complete interval cardio (2 mins sprint, 2 mins walk/slow jog and repeat process for 30 -45 mins).

Thank you.
I'M BACK LADIES!!! So tell me if I'm wrong, but it looks like I've gained a good 2 - 2.5 inches in 10 weeks!! I'm SOOOOOO sticking to this reggie. :grin::bouncy:
Oh i know it works and i see ur progress!!!! :)this regi is the truth. It works best during your growing spurt or right before it. My hair always jumps in growth around this time and spring. so in order to get maximum growth I do what you do as well.
I am really in awe right now..... at exactly my 6 week post mark, I measured my hair and found out I have 1 inch of growth. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

I have been exercising 5 days a week and taking vitamins religiously. Here is a link to the vitamins I am taking if you are interested: LINK

02/02/2010 UPDATE!!!!

SO... I relaxed at 10 weeks post :grin:. I can't believe the amount of growth I received in that time (Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears to be 2 - 2.25 inches :eek:!) I'm loving the results. I don't have any styled hair pics because I will airdry/bun for the next two weeks. In the 3rd week of February, I will do a big reveal w/styled hair :gorgeous: when I finally apply heat for the first time since October. I can't wait! stay tuned. Oh... I'm definitely keeping up this regimen: diet, exercise, vitamins, and more BUNNING!


Great tips! And congrats on your hair growth. I currently take those flintstone chewables and they're ok, but I think I need to step it up a notch. I also take Carlson's Cod Liver Oil, Barleans Womens essentials and a liquid calcium supplement. I really need to find an iron supplement that doesn't upset my stomach.

I know for a fact that the Hair, Skin and Nails vit worked for me, but they make me nervous for some reason and I had to stop taking them. I also do Cardio 3x's a week just for endurance.

Taking vits with lunch is a great idea so I might try that. Thanks once again for sharing. I'm motivated to jumpstart my vit intake. :grin:
That's it. I'm on the treadmill. TONIGHT

And why are my vitamins and supplements collecting dust? I need to get my life together!
Thanks for the motivation Reecie!
Congrats gurl! Did you take all of those vitamins in one shot????

Good question. There ain't no way in heck I can take all of those vitamins and supplements in one take...if I wanted to choke and die I could. :sad: It takes me about 4 takes for me to "safely" and comfortably take them. With the chlorella, I chew them while I have some gaterade in my mouth. It makes it easier for me. :yep:
uh huh , thats so true... i thought i was tripping last month... cuz i didnt know my hair can grow one inch in 1 month.... i been taking my vitamins faithfully and working out 3/4 times a week.. i was so surprised. and now that im wearing cornrows and wiggingng it...i can retain the length.
That's it. I'm on the treadmill. TONIGHT

And why are my vitamins and supplements collecting dust? I need to get my life together!
Thanks for the motivation Reecie!

:lachen: Very cute. Get back on the vitamin/exercise train, girl!

uh huh , thats so true... i thought i was tripping last month... cuz i didnt know my hair can grow one inch in 1 month.... i been taking my vitamins faithfully and working out 3/4 times a week.. i was so surprised. and now that im wearing cornrows and wiggingng it...i can retain the length.

I'm so glad it's working for you as well. :yep: