Fast hair growth, Slow nail growth...Why??


Well-Known Member
Hi you guys,

I'm noticing that my hair grows at a pretty decent rate of about 1/2 inch a month but my nails grow soooooooo slowly! I cut the nail on my index finger all the way down and 2 weeks later it is just about the same length! I showed my boyfriend and my grandmother and they were both surprised that the nail hadn't grown back yet. It just seemed abnormal to them.

I currently take 5 mg of Biotin and 1000 mg of MSM. I also eat fish almost every day so that I can get my protein but my nails still grow slowly.

How is it possible to have fast growing hair but slow growing nails? Do you have any idea what could possibly be missing from my diet? Could it just be genetics?


My nails have always grown really strong and fast and my hair has always grown slow (unless I'm pregnant, then everything grows like crazy!).
I always thought that you either had one or the other because I know I lot of women (okay, they're white) whose hair grows fast but they can't grow a nail to save their life.
How are you caring for your nails?

Expendable things on your body (hair and nails) grow at different rates. The hair on your face (and yes, as long as you're human and regardless of gender, you have hair all over your face) will not grow at the same rate as the hair on your back or the hair on your legs, etc. This has already been determined by your genetics and the only way to increase nail growth would be to eat healthy which you already seem to be doing and to take care of your nails.

Nails need different things than hair. Nails need more calcium and flouride than hair, but get this, not internally--topically! Often people don't realise that not everything will get better simply by eating good and/or taking supplements. For some outward confitions to change, you have to apply something topically.

When the vitamin C skin craze was going on, many women failed to realise that the skin responded more to the vitamin C not when it was ingested, but when it was applied to their face.

Find a good nail polish with calcium and flouride in it and have a manicure every two weeks or even once a week. Find a good nail strengthener and stay as far away as you can from fake nails and nail wraps which do nothing but cover your nails and keep it from the oxygen that it needs. Eventually your nails will become so weak that they are see-through and brittle.

If you're already eating healthy, I suppose it's just genetics that your hair grows faster than your nails. It's common and I wouldn't be surprised at all.

How about trying ProStrong from You can find it in the beauty section, then go down the list to where it says ProStrong
It's funny because I have the same problem with my nails, but my sister has long strong nails. I asked her what has contributed to her nail growth and she said gelatin. She eats jello all the time. I just started eating sugar free jello so I'll see what happens.....HTH
Mine reaction is the opposite I have faster nail growth the are like wow,my hair is growing fine I have a lot new growth and can't wait to relaxer my hair to see how much length I have gotten
gelatin does have a good source of protein but I'm not sure about jello. You can take gelatin supplements. But other than eat healthy and have regular manicures, it's up to your genetics to determine how long and strong your nails will be.