Fast from wrong thinking day 9


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Day 9 >

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, "I’m just not a strong enough Christian."

Who hasn’t thought that at times? Not strong enough to overcome the temptation you’re facing; not strong enough to keep going; not strong enough to make it through this economy or trials you're facing.

1. Rejoice in your weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:5 (LB) says, "I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for his glory." When we are weak, that’s when God’s strength is activated.

2. Stop making promises to God. Not only does that wear you out, and frustrate you; but it's an insult to God’s grace. Christianity is not about the promises we make to God, but the promises He made to us. Look up 2 Peter 1:4. It's by the promises we live!

3. Wake up with the Holy Spirit! First thing in the morning, admit you’re weak (rather than waiting for life to beat you into admission!) Ask for His help. He’ll pray through you. (Romans 8:26)

4. Strength comes from the Word of God. Fill up on it. 1 John 2:13 are strong because the Word abides in you—THEN you overcome the evil one.

5. See your weakness as an offering. Give it to God, He will use it and use you anyway, proving His greatness. You give God glory when your trust is in Him not in yourself.

6. You don’t have to look good. In your honest admission and trust, God opens the heavens and works in you from the inside out. (John 1:47, 51)

God’s strength is working in me, even in my weakness. I stop trying to look good, and trust the Word of God to give me the strength I need. God is working in me, and He will finish what He started. I live by the promises of God, and by the Holy Spirit strengthening me today, in Jesus’ Name.

In His Amazing Love,

Gregory Dickow
