Fast from wrong thinking day 6


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Day 6 >
Today we’re fasting from a negative attitude.

An “attitude” is a mindset that takes precedence over all other facts. We must root out the mindset that interprets life in negative or critical terms. The attitude you have has the ability to make life as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

1. Focus on the positive things in your life.
Skeptics and pessimists say, “Oh, you’re just ignoring the problem’." No, you’re creating positive faith energy by FOCUSING on the good God has done in your life, which like a snow ball rolling down a hill, gains momentum and overtakes whatever is in front of it. (Luke 17:15-19)

2. Confront worry right now.
How? Reverse it and imagine it being completely solved. Feel the feelings for a moment of what life would be like if it were solved. This creates in you an expectation. This is God-ordained day-dreaming, and as you create this image in your mind, things change. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

3. Expect a job or promotion!
A Harvard study showed that 85% of jobs or promotions were obtained because of attitude. Only 15% were due to intelligence or knowledge of specific facts. Believe in the power of attitude. In Numbers 13:30, Joshua & Caleb had the attitude that they could conquer the giants.

4. Be open minded about new possibilities in life. Chauncy M. Depew warned his nephew not to invest $5,000 in Ford Automobile stock because nothing could come along that would be better than the horse! 2 questions: Who’s ever heard of Chauncy Depew?’ And ‘have you driven a Ford lately?’ Original creativity, innovative solutions, and inventive genius are God's gifts. Expect them and believe in them.

5. Make your greatest discovery today! Is the greatest discovery peanut butter, the moon, television, the internet? No. The greatest discovery in life is that you can change your life by changing the attitude of your mind. Jesus said, “IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, all things are possible.” (Mark 9:23).

My life is getting easier not harder! I focus on the good things in my life. I refuse to focus on what’s gone wrong in my life. God has been good to me. I reverse worry and use my imagination to envision a worry-free life. I expect jobs, promotions and success to come my way, because I am a believer. My attitude of faith and expectation takes precedence over all other facts...beginning today, in Jesus Name!

In His Amazing Love,

Gregory Dickow
thank you for this. It was very informative and helpful.
I wrote down the little prayer on half an index card to carry with me.
Gotta stay positive. :-D!!!!
I like this thought of the day. I have at times expected the worse out of a situation or was very critical of things that go on in life. When you think the worse or have a bad attitude, negative things are definitely going to happen because you're thinking no good at all.
I am so glad I read this tonight. It's been a crazy past few months and I am fighting off severe depression. Thanks!!