Fast from wrong thinking day 33


Well-Known Member
Revolution Day 33: "Life is passing me by."

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says: “Life is passing me by.” And the thoughts that go with that such as: “I’ve missed my best opportunities.”
Let’s Change It Today:
1. Think favor. Psalm 5:12 says God surrounds you with favor as a shield. Expect open doors. (Rev. 3:8) Jesus promised open doors.
2. God restores missed opportunities. (Joel 2:25) God restores the YEARS--years of missed opportunities are COMING BACK TO YOU!

3. God saves the best for last! Don’t for a moment give into the thought that your best is over. (John 2:10)
4. Stop looking back. (It hardens you from going forward: Genesis 19:26). Forget the missed chances. Look for the next ones.
5. Be diligent.Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -- Thomas A. Edison
6. EVERYTHING God is involved with gets better & better. (Proverbs 4:18, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Hebrews 8:6)
7. You HAVE the life! (1 John 5:12) It CAN’T pass you by!
I expect favor today; and open doors are coming to me. Opportunities are available to me all the time, and God is restoring whatever I’ve missed. He saves the best for last, and my life is on the rise—getting better and better, until His return, in Jesus’ Name!
I confess Psalm 5:12 everyday. I believe that the favor of God is on my life everyday.
Thanks Prudent1!
This speaks to my heart today......"Forget the missed chances, look for the next ones"
Thank you Lord
Where are you getting them from?
Pastor Gregory Dickow is the originator of these fasts from wrong thinking. I think his ministry is based in Illinois. I had not heard of him until I heard him speak at World Changers Church in ATL a few years back. I was saved etc but only having the occasional victory in my life. I knew (the verse anyway:look:) God was no respector of persons so I was like there's gotta be something wrong on my end :perplexed . It was. I was not renewing my mind. I got busy trying to learn what it meant to renew my mind. Along the way I read Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind and later saw 1star's post from last year with these daily tidbits. That was all I needed to jump start things! :yep: His ministry seems to focus on helping the body renew our minds. Here is a link to his website...enjoy!!

Rom 2:11
11For God does not show favoritism.
Rom 12:2
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.