Fast from wrong thinking day 30


Well-Known Member

Revolution Day 30: Fasting from thoughts of regret like "I wish I could do it over."

Today, we’re fasting from thoughts of regret. “I wish I could do it over”, “I wish I had never done that”, etc. The day is over for you to live in regret anymore!

Let’s Change It Today:

1. Believe God is the God of second chances. Peter denied the Lord—(you can’t do much worse than that)--but then became so powerful that people tried to get in his shadow to be healed. (Acts 5:15)

2. Don’t judge yourself so harshly. It’s never as bad as you think. Stop being such a critic of yourself.

3. God is pleased with your faith, not your perfection. So BELIEVE that God is bigger than the condemnation of your heart or your failure. (1 John 3:20)

4. A right heart will always take you in the right direction. No matter what you failed at, God will turn it into something good. (1 Corinthians 1:27)

5. Embrace the truth of seedtime and harvest. Even when you made mistakes, you certainly planted good seed; trust God to grow the good seeds. (1 Corinthians 3:6)

6. Have a funeral for regret. Kiss regret goodbye. Bury it. AND make it quick. (Hebrews 8:12)

7. Ask God for another opportunity, no matter how impossible that may seem. (Matthew 21:22)

Think It & Say It:
I believe in the God of second chances. His blood makes up for my mistakes and shortcomings. I please God with faith, and I refuse to condemn myself, since He does not condemn me. I kiss regrets goodbye and I expect ‘do-over’ opportunities from my Redeemer, in Jesus’ Name!
