Fast from wrong thinking day 10


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Day 10 >

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, "This economy is standing in the way of my success."

1. Believe you have the power to succeed in any economy. Deuteronomy 8:18 says, "...God has given you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant." Notice what God gives you: the power to get it. This promise is for YOU. Meditate on it.

2. Understand the ROOT to success—meditating on the Word of God. Psalm 1:1-3 says, "...As long as you flood your mind with the Word of God, God will fill your life with success." Your success is connected to you flooding your mind with the Word. It is not dependent upon or connected to the economy.

3. Become favor-minded. Expect God to open doors for YOU that no one can close (Revelation 3:8). He wants to overtake you with increase and favor. (Psalm 115:14) Favor surrounds YOU like a shield. (Psalm 5:12) Fill your mind with FAVOR-EXPECTATION.

4. Success is WHO YOU ARE, not what you have. Remember Joseph. Stripped of everything and sold into slavery, the Bible calls him a SUCCESSFUL man (Genesis 39:1-2). He ‘was a successful man'. By BEING that, external success followed.

5. Be covenant-minded. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all succeeded in times of FAMINE and economic trouble. (Genesis 24, 26 & 28) You have been promised the same blessing as them! (Galatians 3:29) Expect it!

6. Refuse to let the economy or anything else determine your limitations and possibilities. ASK SUCCESS. THINK SUCCESS. EXPECT SUCCESS. It will always comes.

I have the power to succeed even in the worst economy. God will establish His covenant in this earth through me. I choose to fill my mind with the GOOD news rather than the current news. The Word is my meditation, day and night. I am favor-minded. It's coming to me every day, somehow, someway. I am a successful person, and successful living follows! I think big success; ask big success; and I expect BIG success, in Jesus’ Name!

In His Amazing Love,

Gregory Dickow
