Family hair care :)


Anyways before i went to this site i knew that nautrual hair grew best so i talked to my mom like in summer and now my two lil sister are no longer in perms but in braids and BOY its growing like crazy at this rate i know that their hair is gonna be mid back by my sister (whose 8 in 3rd grade) by her second year of middle school? and the baby whose 6 her hair is thick! i'm happy about it and my mom keep her hair protected(her hair is about brastrap length) also and she staying outta perms... but here my problem...

I want my sister whose 16 to grow her hair out but I do dunno how to apporach her.. :look: she already thinks im crazy as hell for "popin pills" :lachen: and doing all this stuff to my how should i go about this? :perplexed
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Well, does she want to "grow her hair out"? Maybe she is not interested. But you could ask her and if she's interested, you could tell her about LHCF or other hair forums online. You could also let her know you'd love to help or give her tips if she ever needs them. Then just let it go and let her do what she wants with her hair. :)