Family dollar relaunching with beauty supply brands!!!!

Family Dollar isn't exactly a discount store, in fact they sell products for about the same price if not more than some other stores. Not to mention that they reduce the size of some items like bars of soap and sell them at regular retail prices.:ohwell: #notexcitedorimpressed
Same here. The Family Dollar stores in NJ are way more expensive then stores like WalMart. They may be 2 cents cheaper than a BSS but then again BSS prices are high too.

Motions DC - $5.99 (BSS) - $5.89 (FD) - $3.49 (Wal-Mart)
Nothing to do with the event, but can I just say I HATE when women come out of the house in public with a hair bonnet on. Hate it! There are just so many ways you can still look cute without having a bonnet on. Throw on a tam or hat, or SOMETHING! Ugh!
Nothing to do with the event, but can I just say I HATE when women come out of the house in public with a hair bonnet on. Hate it! There are just so many ways you can still look cute without having a bonnet on. Throw on a tam or hat, or SOMETHING! Ugh!

She did look like a idiot but she said she doesn't care as long as hair was perfect for dinner, I still couldn't wear a bonnet outside, embarrassing and ghetto looking
:bumping: this. Family Dollar has joined with 13 vloggers to help market their store.

I know some said Family Dollar is more expensive where they are, but I can usually find some good deals there. I don't think any of my local stores sell Aunt Jackie's products.

It probably is worth checking out for those who live in small to mid size cities.