Falling in love ...

When did you fall in love?

  • You fall easily ... 1 month or less

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Around 2-3 months you start feeling 'differently'

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • 3+ months and you're not fully sure

    Votes: 15 27.8%
  • 9 months and you still don't love that negro

    Votes: 4 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
When did you start to realize that you were falling in love with someone? Not that you fully love them yet as that will take more time... but around what month did you feel yourself falling for the person?

Just curious :yep:
After finally letting go of my ex- we were at our favorite Thai restaurant. I asked him if he loved me. He had such an emotional sorrow on his face as he said "Yes, very much so."

A month or so later, I was on my way to a practice session with my drummer. As he packed my guitars in the car, he kissed me and I heard myself say "I love you." It came as such a shock- I wanted to cry.
I fell in love within a matter of weeks, i wasn't "in" love per say...but it was love. I realized a lot about myself, my needs, wants, etc. during the time with him
I started falling in love after about three or four months of getting to know him. It took me a while because in the beginning I had convinced myself that he wasnt my type and we'd only be friends. I'm glad I did because instead of me falling head over heels first, like I've regrettably done in the past, he fell first. He worked hard to get my attention and he fell in love long before I was even thinking about it.
Thanks for your responses. As for myself, I'm on month two and I feel myself falling hard for him :spinning: :drunk: :love:
Good for you, thats about the right time. :yep:

Awww, thanks. I was thinking if it was too soon for me to feel this way. I'm not one to fall for people easily and rarely do I come across someone that I am attracted to that I vibe with, so this is an entirely new feeling and experience for me. There are times when I can't really focus b/c I think about him constantly, and then there are other times when he'll annoy me or I don't think about him as much, but my feelings still baseline to being really into him.
its different timing for everyone, but for me it took 2 months

(one of my good friends falls in love with every man she dates after 3 weeks :perplexed)
its different timing for everyone, but for me it took 2 months

(one of my good friends falls in love with every man she dates after 3 weeks :perplexed)

Yeah, i don't understand this.. which is why I was wondering myself if I'm tripping or something... but maybe some women like the idea of being in love. But even still, does your friend actually vibe with every dude she meets? :perplexed
Yeah, i don't understand this.. which is why I was wondering myself if I'm tripping or something... but maybe some women like the idea of being in love. But even still, does your friend actually vibe with every dude she meets? :perplexed
Oh girl sorry, I went off on a tangent :spinning:

I think you're fine and your time is fine too! :grin:

My friend is just in a little bit of a hurry to get married and so I honestly don't think she vibes with them. I think she forces love too soon and in places where it may not have been where it was supposed to be
Oh girl sorry, I went off on a tangent :spinning:

I think you're fine and your time is fine too! :grin:

My friend is just in a little bit of a hurry to get married and so I honestly don't think she vibes with them. I think she forces love too soon and in places where it may not have been where it was supposed to be

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I seeeeee.
I've been with my guy 2 months and I feel it... and I'm scared poopless....
I am glad he told me first though. Gotta love the drunken admissions. :grin:
Ahh Ms Brittster - you've been shot out for more than a minute - girl let go and enjoy.

Me, well it's been 3 months and I acknowledge that I enjoy having someone around - this is a major step for me....as for love, jury is still out on that one.
I choose fall in love fast!! My problem is my heart tricks my mind into thinking "I'm in love" and when it is all said and done, turns out that it wasn't anything close to love. Scary part is I am wondering was I ever in love with my daughter's father. I know that I love him, but "in love is the question..and YES..there is a big difference.
Yea, I started feeling it one day about 2 and a half months after we started talking, we had a blowout argument and I ended the conversation basically saying "fine, I'll just leave u alone from now on." I didn't sleep the whole night, and neither did he because at 7am I got an email from him telling me he needed me in his life and how sorry he was for starting the argument (even though I started it, lol). When I saw him later on the day it just hit me how much I cared about him.
I'm starting to think you can't put a timeline on love. I think some people mistake lust for love but I don't think that it has to be 3 months or 3 years. I don't fall easily but in my timeline pretty fast. The last time I fell in love it was within 6 months, cant remember the exact time period.
Pretty interesting topic:yep:... As my husband tells it, it was love at first sight for him LOL... Not for me, I already knew his mom and she wanted me to meet her son, she thought I was just perfect for him... Anyway there was a gathering and he seen me there and he was telling his mom there is somebody I want you to introduce me too - well all the while she was telling him son, hold off on that I have somebody that I want you to meet.... But he's like, no seriously I need to know who this is first... She's like listen to me son LOL...

Anyway, all the while at this gathering he was stalking me all googly eyed and what not:drunk:. I was just playing with the children that were there (I used to really like kids LOL) and he was watching me from the sidelines, following me around and I didn't even know. Spooky now that I mention it lol.

Finally I get to see his mom and she's like :wait here I want you to meet my son"... I'm all naive and what not like and I'm like, "ok" and not thinking anything of it. So he shows up to where we were sitting soon after I did (probably apart of his stalkery) and she introduced me to him. When I met him I was just thinking, "ok hi... Gotta run" lol.

Later that evening she called me on the phone and aksed me what I thought of her son... Me being all naive, I didn't even look at him that way, because well, he was her son LOL... I said, "nothing" lol. That probably blew her away, like how could she think "nothing" of my son. When they got to her house that evening thats when it was revealed between the 2 of them that I was the same girl he wanted to meet, and I was also the same girl that she wanted him to meet.:lachen: Well we think it's funny :rolleyes:...

So yeah after that we went on some dates in public and all... I met him at his family's house and vice versa to get to know each other a bit. We used to text each other and IM all day long and on Yahoo messenger he put up that falling hearts background - some of yall know what I'm talking about :lachen:. He told me he loved me first by phone and asked me to marry him...

I'm a skeptic LOL. I didn't say yes to marriage and I didnt return the "I love you." I'm sure it his ego, but he wanted me as his wife so he was persistent LOL. Then I began to feel it myself and I loved him too. I waited for the next time he would ask me to marry him and say I love you, and I said yes and I love him too :drunk: It was like a couple of months but by then it felt like we had been together forever:yep: He made me feel really comfortable, we didn't get busy prior to marriage and there was no pressure. We never even hugged or kissed before we got married he tried to hug me a time or two and I was like nope. :blush: Within 4 months we were married.

I don't think there's a right time but I do question ppl who say they fall in love after a couple months on a pretty regular basis. That can't be normal lol.
It's been a very long time since I've fell in love. I've met guys who were attractive and we had some things in common, but I just didn't care about them. They didn't ignite anything inside of me, you know what I mean? But the last time I fell in love I tried to deny it, but it just grew and grew and after a couple months I knew I was in love. Whenever I saw him, I was always happy- even when I looked like crap!