Fall, Make You Long for a Relationship???


New Member
I guess it's biological somehow, I'm feeling that crunch to be in a relationship before the cold sets in completely. The cicadas herald in these feelings with their symphony lol! Fall makes me feel like something is amiss, like I'm losing out. Although I won't get into just any kind of relationship, I still long strongly for a relationship before the winter. Well, this is 5 years into being divorced/annulment finally applied for. I guess I'm ready now. Anybody else feel like that come Fall or Spring or when ever?
Around here...people call Fall/Winter "cuffin' weather"...like there is a need to cuddle up with someone and be in a relationship or something. I think there is some truth to the feeling.

I am still in the No Cuffin' movement right now. I am pretty dern content no matter the season. LOL.
This post makes me thing of Gatekeeper by Feist.

I've felt this way before, more so around Spring. Autumn makes me think more of family because of the harvest themes, apple picking, caramel apples, hayrides and the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also look forward to the pumpkin scented candles that appear in the stores! But going for a car ride to look at the beautiful colors of the trees can be very romantic indeed!
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This post makes me thing of Gatekeeper by Feist.

I've felt this way before, more so around Spring. Autumn makes me think more of family because of the harvest themes, apple picking, caramel apples, hayrides and the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also look forward to the pumpkin scented candles that appear in the stores! But going for a car ride to look at the beautiful colors of the trees can be very romantic indeed!

That cheered me right up....NOT! :lol:
Around here...people call Fall/Winter "cuffin' weather"...like there is a need to cuddle up with someone and be in a relationship or something. I think there is some truth to the feeling.

I am still in the No Cuffin' movement right now. I am pretty dern content no matter the season. LOL.

People here call it that too! I think of relationships nowadays because people make up holidays like freakin "sweetest day". Like what the fukc is a sweetest day??? And then my birthday falls in the wintertime and yea it would be great to be taken on a cool date or even be thought of by a man for my birthday. Let me not even mention New Years.

*deep breath* Ok. I just posted in random thoughts about being happy so I'm done ranting. :lol:
Yeah, fall gets me longing for a relationship because days are shorter, so more time in the dark snuggling together. On an upnote Fall is the time that I straighten out my house, purge things and really get it together. If it wasn't for the colde weather I think I would be ok.
hmm i dont know about necesarily getting a boyfriend but i do want to go on a few dates like taking a walk in the park on a crisp autumn evening or having a fun day at the ice skating rink
This season, I have really thought about it... I just been thinking about getting my self out there... Getting active, like going to (see OT forum) and watching games etc... enjoying life... :perplexed...
Yes, there is something about fall. I think I appreciate my husband more during the fall/winter. We always go to lots of parties and on fun dates. During spring and summer it seems like I do more things by myself, with my kids, and my friends.
For me, right now, it might be fall, it might just be biological, but overall I just feel ready to fall in love.
Yep...woke up this morning craving to be held and wanting the feeling of being in love again. I was just at my friend's baby shower the other day....about 4 of my close friends are pregnant and starting families and the rest are in close relationships. It makes me long for that too.
NOPE Fall, has me thinkng I need to be on the grind for everything in my life, spiritually, physically, career-wise, etc. A man is furthest thing from my mind during the colder months. It's actually relieving to me!

Summer is a major goof-off and fancy free time for me, I can't get anything serious done! I'm thinking about having fun, going out, getting a boyfriend, resistance goes down, and my usually non-existent libido starts rearing its ugly head! From mid-Spring to Summer, I'm like :spinning: (majorly distracted in LA LA LAND)

So I am thankful, once the first leaf hits the ground and those big cheeses start rolling I FALL BACK into reality. I love me some Late Spring/Summer, however, I can't be giddy like that all time or else. :blush:

I am only looking forward to next Spring/Summer 2012...I will be a better me all around (with maybe some APL hair)!!!
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I've never heard of cuffin' weather but I'm gonna start using that because it fits perfectly. Fall and the colder weather makes me think of coming straight home after work and snuggling up after dinner. Its gets cold quick and I don't like to hang out and do happy hour when its cold and dark out at 5:30.
We call it cuddle season (lol) To answer the question, I always feel like that cause I haven't been in a relationship.

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Yep! I love fall! I love football season and watching it with an SO or doing all kinds of corn mazes and being outdoors and the crispness of the air. But, as it is now, I'm in a place that doesn't really have fall like that, so I'm good.