Faith Community Nurse


Well-Known Member
I am a nurse and a member of my church health ministry. Recently, at a meeting, there was discussion as whether or not we should wear white so ushers and members can identify us. Do the nurses at your congregations wear white uniforms? If not, how do ushers/members identify them so they can be contacted when a member is ill?
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The church I attend now does not have a uniform. Members in need of help have a specific area they can report to or be taken to if the need arises. My former church for many years did wear white uniforms but eventually stopped. I'm not sure why though. I guess after so long, we all knew who they were and anyone in need of assistance would be quickly taken to adjacent areas and tended to. I guess that would all depend on how large the congregation is and some other factors. In my most recent visits to so called 'mega' churches (which were no where near the size of the crowds/ gatherings that Jesus and the disciples ministered to:rolleyes:) when aid is needed the ushers are the first line notified, then the medical personnel take over. Hope that helps.
The White Uniforms is what I've usually observed in most Churches.

In our Church we simply know who's who. The Ushers as well as the Members (longstanding) are excellent in taking care of special needs should one arise. :Rose:
Thanks ladies. When I am duty, I sit in rear at the far left so the ushers can find me. The nurses don't want to wear white. They want to wear dresses and suits. I'm fine as long as the ushers know where to find us when we are needed.