Failed Relationships Man/Woman: Can We Be For Real A Minute?


New Member
This is not a christian pc rant, I'm being real. Jesus dealt with real folks too. With all the talk about iffy spouses causing true harm to their mates, esp. the g-dly, I'm wondering about something myself. How do you know when you're over someone? Consciously? Yes, but subconsciously? Could it truly take one incidence of the same old bullcrap to send you spiraling back into play at their hands? How do you know you got it all out? What is the timespan?

Recently, some crap came up (I'm so straining not to keep it real just like I'm saying it in my mind so please scuse.) where ex is calling me to ask me to do a favor. It's along the same lines of the same crap I was forced to deal with in the marriage. I truly want to do the right thing, even the benevolent thing by helping ex out with his housing situation. But I'm not going to lie and misrepresent for his benefit. It's a matter of verification. I haven't even checked this information form he sent (not requesting money or anything like that) asking for his son's signature. He lives with me now but this can affect when the kids visit in the summer months, so says he. They've got to be included in the info to stay the summer. Um, I'm continually asked to help him...yet, where was my support for all those years?

The problem is this: I don't even want to respond and we've been on decent terms for a 4 years now. Just one move attempting to put me back into that situation is enough for me to cut off all communication with him. Frankly, he's an a@@whole. Sorry, but Jesus knows what I say and think about the situation. You can imagine His ears :blush:. Scuse me, y'all. I hate manipulation, attempted manipulation, thoughts leading to manipulation. That will get you a big connard-check in my book. I know he has multiple women helping him out to take my place. How is this my concern now for him to ask me???

So something sends me, regarding this situation, to borderline pissing all this religion up to the wind cuz I'm at a cliff right now. I'm talking any communication with G-d. I must have said g/d 5 times already. I don't wanna do that tho. But I'm pissed. [So, this is part of the indication G-d was trying to get me to see. B]How do you know it's all out? How do you know you've given all to the altar? Evidently, somethings are still floating and not firmly placed. [/B] Therapy! It's more a feeling of being suckered in. And sometimes you know this when you've been presented with similar situations. I hate it. I'm not in love with this man anymore and I comprehend about all things being exposed, just rewards, heaven and all...but *&)(*Y*)&^%()*&Y^P_(*Y( !!!!

And I'm celibate, trying to live the right life when I could be getting it on cuz it all looks shot to hell anyway. :nono: At least sinners have fun! But they can be jackarses and get their cake and eat it too. Sigh. I should let him go to the bighouse for fraud and non-p of cs. First thought tho, the kids. Guess it's just a rant...but I was shocked he sent me reeling to depths this week. Not sadness...but revenge. Yeah, I know the scriptures. The issue is the altar and what I've placed up there to stay. I think I bring my suitcase with me to reconciliation, unpack, get absolved, grab a bit of faith, then sneak back when I'm not looking to repack part of it.:nono:
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I understand your situation completely.

What exactly does he want signed and is it truly legal or in God's eyes the right thing to do? Just stay on that level with this issue.

Remember people make choices too, so don't let his choices create issues for you and how you are living for God.

If it is wrong, it is wrong and you have every right to not take part in whatever he is doing. Will he get upset possibly but that is not your problem. If he wants to take it out on you and your kid(s) that is on him.

Hate the sin not the sinner. You stay on course because we are always being put in positions to go one way or another.

Stay strong. Keeping you in prayer.

Here are some responses. No I am not at liberty to do what you are asking now, but I hope you can get it cleared up. I will pray you make the right decision.

No, can't do it. Don't believe this is right. You will need to find another way to handle this without me. But have a nice day.

I have listen to your position, but this is wrong for these reasons......... I want you to spend time with the kids but you will need to figure out a better way to do this.

Feel free to add or subtract, use or not use.

As for knowing when you are over someone for me, it was when I no longer cared or thought what he was doing when he was not around me. I could go to sleep at night and not wonder would their be drama the next day in my life over choices he made.

I could be a mother without the distraction of trying to be a good wife. When they compete with each other instead of complimenting each other you know you are in some deep hot waters.

When I could look at my child and no longer feel guilty about not being their emotionally for him because all my energy was going into the marriage.

When my heart just stopped feeling one way or the other.

These were some of the signs when I knew I was done. I won't give the details of why my marriage failed, it doesn't matter and not for public consumption but these are what did it for me.

There is a difference in caring for a man and being his doormat, doing things to make his life easier even though it does not make your life easier.
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This is not a christian pc rant, I'm being real. Jesus dealt with real folks too. With all the talk about iffy spouses causing true harm to their mates, esp. the g-dly, I'm wondering about something myself. How do you know when you're over someone? Consciously? Yes, but subconsciously? Could it truly take one incidence of the same old bullcrap to send you spiraling back into play at their hands? How do you know you got it all out? What is the timespan?

Recently, some crap came up (I'm so straining not to keep it real just like I'm saying it in my mind so please scuse.) where ex is calling me to ask me to do a favor. It's along the same lines of the same crap I was forced to deal with in the marriage. I truly want to do the right thing, even the benevolent thing by helping ex out with his housing situation. But I'm not going to lie and misrepresent for his benefit. It's a matter of verification. I haven't even checked this information form he sent (not requesting money or anything like that) asking for his son's signature. He lives with me now but this can affect when the kids visit in the summer months, so says he. They've got to be included in the info to stay the summer. Um, I'm continually asked to help him...yet, where was my support for all those years?

The problem is this: I don't even want to respond and we've been on decent terms for a 4 years now. Just one move attempting to put me back into that situation is enough for me to cut off all communication with him. Frankly, he's an a@@whole. Sorry, but Jesus knows what I say and think about the situation. You can imagine His ears :blush:. Scuse me, y'all. I hate manipulation, attempted manipulation, thoughts leading to manipulation. That will get you a big connard-check in my book. I know he has multiple women helping him out to take my place. How is this my concern now for him to ask me???

So something sends me, regarding this situation, to borderline pissing all this religion up to the wind cuz I'm at a cliff right now. I'm talking any communication with G-d. I must have said g/d 5 times already. I don't wanna do that tho. But I'm pissed. [So, this is part of the indication G-d was trying to get me to see. B]How do you know it's all out? How do you know you've given all to the altar? Evidently, somethings are still floating and not firmly placed. [/B] Therapy! It's more a feeling of being suckered in. And sometimes you know this when you've been presented with similar situations. I hate it. I'm not in love with this man anymore and I comprehend about all things being exposed, just rewards, heaven and all...but *&)(*Y*)&^%()*&Y^P_(*Y( !!!!

And I'm celibate, trying to live the right life when I could be getting it on cuz it all looks shot to hell anyway. :nono: At least sinners have fun! But they can be jackarses and get their cake and eat it too. Sigh. I should let him go to the bighouse for fraud and non-p of cs. First thought tho, the kids. Guess it's just a rant...but I was shocked he sent me reeling to depths this week. Not sadness...but revenge. Yeah, I know the scriptures. The issue is the altar and what I've placed up there to stay. I think I bring my suitcase with me to reconciliation, unpack, get absolved, grab a bit of faith, then sneak back when I'm not looking to repack part of it.:nono:
All in a day... huh... :drunk:

Tomorrow is coming, simply don't take this with you. Start over brand new and let ex know the answer is no. And keep it in God's hands, not yours. :Rose:
I understand your situation completely.

What exactly does he want signed and is it truly legal or in God's eyes the right thing to do? Just stay on that level with this issue.

Remember people make choices too, so don't let his choices create issues for you and how you are living for God.

If it is wrong, it is wrong and you have every right to not take part in whatever he is doing. Will he get upset possibly but that is not your problem. If he wants to take it out on you and your kid(s) that is on him.

Hate the sin not the sinner. You stay on course because we are always being put in positions to go one way or another.

Stay strong. Keeping you in prayer.

Here are some responses. No I am not at liberty to do what you are asking now, but I hope you can get it cleared up. I will pray you make the right decision.

No, can't do it. Don't believe this is right. You will need to find another way to handle this without me. But have a nice day.

I have listen to your position, but this is wrong for these reasons......... I want you to spend time with the kids but you will need to figure out a better way to do this.

Feel free to add or subtract, use or not use.

As for knowing when you are over someone for me, it was when I no longer cared or thought what he was doing when he was not around me. I could go to sleep at night and not wonder would their be drama the next day in my life over choices he made.

I could be a mother without the distraction of trying to be a good wife. When they compete with each other instead of complimenting each other you know you are in some deep hot waters.

When I could look at my child and no longer feel guilty about not being their emotionally for him because all my energy was going into the marriage.

When my heart just stopped feeling one way or the other.

These were some of the signs when I knew I was done. I won't give the details of why my marriage failed, it doesn't matter and not for public consumption but these are what did it for me.

There is a difference in caring for a man and being his doormat, doing things to make his life easier even though it does not make your life easier.

"Well Said' and beautifully, I might add, most of all, it's God. :up: :Rose:
I tend to project my anger at G-d....revisiting a bit those all-out screaming accusatory sessions. Trying so hard not to go there ever again. But man! I could be a soldier, kind, and if these documents aren't fraudulent in any way if I look at them, I could help him out of benevolence and demonstrate that I'm not in any way affected. Just the thought I would be asked to help...ahem, the reverse years back and we were married? It's somebody asking me for consideration when they had none for me...and there is a tendency to lie about crap anyway. Then call the kids to try and pressure me, appealing through emotionalism??? Manipulative *&&^^%$#. I'm pissed in general but take it out on G-d because He should know better, right???? What's He doing, *trying* to make me sin to prove a point that I've got something I need to get rid of? :rolleyes: G-d help me despite my anger.
All in a day... huh... :drunk:

Tomorrow is coming, simply don't take this with you. Start over brand new and let ex know the answer is no. And keep it in God's hands, not yours. :Rose:

But that's the point...I don't sleep on it. It's totally subconscious but has just surfaced...well, He knew it was there. Just when I got comfy. But I try and not dwell on him? In other words, hearing another's pain and thinking about my own, usually didn't make me feel any particular way...and that was have let it go to that point. THere are days I simply don't think about him. I don't wonder what he's doing at all. But this...floored me...layers of onion, I guess. And maybe the philandry and all wasn't the thing that was bothering me anymore...I've identified manipulation is my all-time peeve. Hopefully, this is residual dust in the corner where everywhere else is swept up good.
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Many times our tests turn into testimonies. You may be able to show another woman who has anger issues with regards to an ex how to come out on the other side of it.

I get it. He may not deserve it but it is not about him it is about YOU! Get mad at the devil he is the Liar!!!

Thank God for showing you, helping you through this. You have incredible women you can go to that will talk you though it. (I am speaking about the inredible Ms. Shimmie)

Remember to work on the boundaries also. Let your ex know he cannot depend upon you to keep bailing him out it of his choices when they go bad.
I keep walking by this thread lol. But I want to say that whichever problems may come my way, I try to reaffirm that I'm trusting in G-d with it. I speak it out loud, various times throughout the day. But it does make me wonder about bearings...about refinding myself. I mean, how many times do you have to reaffirm it but not realize it's gone out of my hands??? Whenever a worrysome thought comes, I speak that it's in G-d's hands. So how the hell am I holding onto it??? I'm just being real. Don't know any other way to be, really.
Some things take longer to let go of than others. Be very real about it with God. He already knows this anyway.

There are things that just a year ago worried me so. I would put it at the alter and find myself picking it right back up. Now I don't have the emotional charge as I did back then if at all.

Life is a process, learning it is a process. You are still learning don't be hard on yourself we all are still learning something. Hopefully when you learn this you will be there for someone else who will come along with the same issue.

Nothing is new under the sun. God knows and has seen it all BEFORE!

Jonah, Paul, Esther read some of their stories in the bible. David is a good one he had a heart for God, but he still did somethings wrong.

None of us are perfect and we are still maturing and will continue to do so until we see Him again.

Don't be too hard on yourself. You are a work in progress we all are.
GV ..

MsCocoFace is speaking the straight truth here. Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING, she is sharing is from the heart and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I am being blessed and I don't even have this test. I'm thinking I wish I had this advice from MsCoco when I WAS going through it.

:woohoo2: It's a sure word indeed.

Praise God. Thank you, Ms. Coco... The Lord is surely in this place. :Rose:
MsCocoface - you are speaking the truth.

IMHO I believe that some things resurface to make us wiser and to be able to conquer once and for all whatever had us bound.

GV - I pray that God will give you strength and a sound mind to make the right decision.
GV, I hope and pray things go well for you ..ITA, it's a test/trial all right and you're doing the right thing leaning on your Father.

MsCocoface is speaking nothing but the Truth to your situation. :yep:
I agree with everything said, and understand your pain. Next time, let Jesus answer the door when you open it. He has a way of weeding out the mail and returning to sender.
I can honestly say that I'm very candid with G-d, always have been. Whether happy or angry, I let Him know about it all when I'm aware of things. And part of this is not having a permanent solution to the problem...G-d doesn't promise that and I shouldn't expect it. Memories will always be there. And I've been through so many hills in life, it would make others pale in comparison, wondering how I'm holding up. Suffering servant...if only people knew.

Some know part of it (close friends) and they are seriously silenced by the scope of it all. It's about decision and I made that one already to get away from the misery because I realize that this is this man's last attempted stronghold. There is a very evil sense about him, knowing how to disrupt another's spirituality. It's an evil gift. I won't allow him to put a wrench into my communication with my Creator and that's what he attempts to do. He's emotionally destroyed another woman that I found out about much later on. She takes medication and shakes terribly all day long. That evil talent attempted to do the same to me and I was stronger than him. Sneak attacks will not work now. Thank G-d I can get angry about it, to actually see the evil workings going on. :nono: Othewise, I'd probably be just as upset and used up. :nono:

Thanks for hearing me and understanding.
I can honestly say that I'm very candid with G-d, always have been. Whether happy or angry, I let Him know about it all when I'm aware of things. And part of this is not having a permanent solution to the problem...G-d doesn't promise that and I shouldn't expect it. Memories will always be there. And I've been through so many hills in life, it would make others pale in comparison, wondering how I'm holding up. Suffering servant...if only people knew.

Some know part of it (close friends) and they are seriously silenced by the scope of it all. It's about decision and I made that one already to get away from the misery because I realize that this is this man's last attempted stronghold. There is a very evil sense about him, knowing how to disrupt another's spirituality. It's an evil gift. I won't allow him to put a wrench into my communication with my Creator and that's what he attempts to do. He's emotionally destroyed another woman that I found out about much later on. She takes medication and shakes terribly all day long. That evil talent attempted to do the same to me and I was stronger than him. Sneak attacks will not work now. Thank G-d I can get angry about it, to actually see the evil workings going on. :nono: Othewise, I'd probably be just as upset and used up. :nono:

Thanks for hearing me and understanding.

Praise God the blessing is that you recoginize and are able to discern the attacks that the enemy tries to send your way. That is spiritual growth. I know you can remember a day when you couldn't see the attacks before they were full force, I know that I can and thank God for removing the blinders from my eyes. As Shimmie said today is a new day, a blessed new day! I will keep you in my prayers.
Praise God the blessing is that you recoginize and are able to discern the attacks that the enemy tries to send your way. That is spiritual growth. I know you can remember a day when you couldn't see the attacks before they were full force, I know that I can and thank God for removing the blinders from my eyes. As Shimmie said today is a new day, a blessed new day! I will keep you in my prayers.

Thank you for your prayers. But I'd like to add that, for myself, my spiritual growth is not reliant upon foreseeing any attacks by the evil one, those will always be relentless. It's in reconciliation - always confessing my sins and seeking absolution. That very thing is what the evil one doesn't want to happen. It's not being human and falling (of course, growing means we don't fall as often in some things as before), it's in the getting up and trying again. Resisting...that's further growth. That's it in a nutshell for me. Attacks just take a new turn and look...and G-d does give us spiritual armor...but my closeness to G-d doesn't depend upon being able to avoid anything, as incredibly annoying as it's getting up every time I fall, persevering until the end.

And you know what, having gone through this and getting all this wonderful support has just edified my faith in that which I know I have to do...taking part in the sacraments. That is my salvation if I persevere until the end. Maybe G-d just wanted me to know that I will still fall and that no matter what, attacks and whatnot, to still run to get up. I'll ponder this for the next few days, seriously. Thank you all for helping me walk through it.
Thank you for your prayers. But I'd like to add that, for myself, my spiritual growth is not reliant upon foreseeing any attacks by the evil one, those will always be relentless. It's in reconciliation - always confessing my sins and seeking absolution. That very thing is what the evil one doesn't want to happen. It's not being human and falling (of course, growing means we don't fall as often in some things as before), it's in the getting up and trying again. Resisting...that's further growth. That's it in a nutshell for me. Attacks just take a new turn and look...and G-d does give us spiritual armor...but my closeness to G-d doesn't depend upon being able to avoid anything, as incredibly annoying as it's getting up every time I fall, persevering until the end.

So true! God gets the glory everytime we get back up and keep fighting in His name.
A little food for thought...

God continues to give us the same challeges over again until overcome the challenge. What you have been doing does not work, so you have to do something dofferent.

I learned this through my ex. I realized that if i wanted a better life, I had to do something different with regard to him and not fall into the same pattern.
A little food for thought...

God continues to give us the same challeges over again until overcome the challenge. What you have been doing does not work, so you have to do something dofferent.

I learned this through my ex. I realized that if i wanted a better life, I had to do something different with regard to him and not fall into the same pattern.

I completely agree. I had to learn this as well.Thank you.
A little food for thought...

God continues to give us the same challeges over again until overcome the challenge. What you have been doing does not work, so you have to do something dofferent.

I learned this through my ex. I realized that if i wanted a better life, I had to do something different with regard to him and not fall into the same pattern.

I am currently in the midst of this lesson. Right now! But on a less mature note if you do decide to sign those documents I would that they be sent to you DIRECTLY from the entity that needs them and not from the ex. Then you can be more confident in the authenticity of them.

You women of God are speaking the truth in this thread.
This is an excellent thread and Mscoco is breaking it down. :yep: Healing takes time, and we have to be patient with God while He cleanses our hearts and minds of everything that should not be there, and fills us with Him.

I agree with everything said, and understand your pain. Next time, let Jesus answer the door when you open it. He has a way of weeding out the mail and returning to sender.

Very well said! :cool:
A little food for thought...

God continues to give us the same challeges over again until overcome the challenge. What you have been doing does not work, so you have to do something dofferent.

I learned this through my ex. I realized that if i wanted a better life, I had to do something different with regard to him and not fall into the same pattern.

I don't have contact with him until he calls to speak to the kids or when they see him during vacations. I live 1,000 miles away on purpose. He is undergoing a lot of problems (more than he heaped upon us) and his fallback is to attempt to gain empathy from me because, evidently, he's not getting it elsewhere. It was a flashback from the past from a parasitic person. I'm doing exactly what I am supposed to as it turns out and I figured out that it was indeed an attack to cause fear in me...and that attack failed. I'm where I need to be.

It made me angry and I quickly dismissed him and his tactics. He's on his own. I'm standing stronger, knowing that I made the right decisions, even regarding the kids. I resisted being carried back into that miserable emotional abyss of being guilted - not that I feel the culprit, he just has a way to irritate the hell out of a person by shoving guilt...anybody who ever married a habesha will know exactly what I mean.:yep:

When I posted, I was pissed! And I'm protected and confident. He threatened to end his life over his housing situation and I calmly told him that that was truly between him and G-d and that I had nothing to do with it. Silence on the other end. He called later...calm. He knows his efforts are in vain. Although he's on medication for the depression post-divorce, he'll use that to manipulate people. Doesn't work and that threat I recently experienced....Praise G-d!!! failed:lachen: Hahahaha,,,,:drunk::drunk::drunk:...I'm on the right path. No doubt. G-d reveals all in the end. I've got some shoes to throw.
I don't have contact with him until he calls to speak to the kids or when they see him during vacations. I live 1,000 miles away on purpose. He is undergoing a lot of problems (more than he heaped upon us) and his fallback is to attempt to gain empathy from me because, evidently, he's not getting it elsewhere. It was a flashback from the past from a parasitic person. I'm doing exactly what I am supposed to as it turns out and I figured out that it was indeed an attack to cause fear in me...and that attack failed. I'm where I need to be.

It made me angry and I quickly dismissed him and his tactics. He's on his own. I'm standing stronger, knowing that I made the right decisions, even regarding the kids. I resisted being carried back into that miserable emotional abyss of being guilted - not that I feel the culprit, he just has a way to irritate the hell out of a person by shoving guilt...anybody who ever married a habesha will know exactly what I mean.:yep:

When I posted, I was pissed! And I'm protected and confident. He threatened to end his life over his housing situation and I calmly told him that that was truly between him and G-d and that I had nothing to do with it. Silence on the other end. He called later...calm. He knows his efforts are in vain. Although he's on medication for the depression post-divorce, he'll use that to manipulate people. Doesn't work and that threat I recently experienced....Praise G-d!!! failed:lachen: Hahahaha,,,,:drunk::drunk::drunk:...I'm on the right path. No doubt. G-d reveals all in the end. I've got some shoes to throw.

I'm so proud of you mama :kiss:
I don't have contact with him until he calls to speak to the kids or when they see him during vacations. I live 1,000 miles away on purpose. He is undergoing a lot of problems (more than he heaped upon us) and his fallback is to attempt to gain empathy from me because, evidently, he's not getting it elsewhere. It was a flashback from the past from a parasitic person. I'm doing exactly what I am supposed to as it turns out and I figured out that it was indeed an attack to cause fear in me...and that attack failed. I'm where I need to be.

It made me angry and I quickly dismissed him and his tactics. He's on his own. I'm standing stronger, knowing that I made the right decisions, even regarding the kids. I resisted being carried back into that miserable emotional abyss of being guilted - not that I feel the culprit, he just has a way to irritate the hell out of a person by shoving guilt...anybody who ever married a habesha will know exactly what I mean.:yep:

When I posted, I was pissed! And I'm protected and confident. He threatened to end his life over his housing situation and I calmly told him that that was truly between him and G-d and that I had nothing to do with it. Silence on the other end. He called later...calm. He knows his efforts are in vain. Although he's on medication for the depression post-divorce, he'll use that to manipulate people. Doesn't work and that threat I recently experienced....Praise G-d!!! failed:lachen: Hahahaha,,,,:drunk::drunk::drunk:...I'm on the right path. No doubt. G-d reveals all in the end. I've got some shoes to throw.

Why after I sent you that msg did I get a text

Being real I been going through over a year now trying to figure out whether to stay or go with my ex and to be honest I have done both time and time again, he is the hardest person ever to shake, I guess because he always fights for me and never gives up on me/us, its me now trippin and me for a long time now after things that happened, he has been fighting for me since, even when I ran to another, he just waited patiently and lovingly with open arms and door until the moment I would return, which happened but only for me to run yet again. Alot happened with us, thats why its hard to heal, but the bottom line truth is , nothing feels like love like being in his arms, and I still love a whole lot about 'us' , despite all that i hate that happened and all I didnt like, there is so much I still do and always will love

pray for me girl! sigh! just when I think I am strong, I am not

he dont make it easy, he is the most lovingly expressive man I have known, but as you know he also was and has been the coldest man on earth when he thought he might be losing me-so far so good-he does none of that anymore-but its hard to trust-again

I hurt with him, I hurt without him

so this is the lets be real thread right?:lachen:
Why after I sent you that msg did I get a text

Being real I been going through over a year now trying to figure out whether to stay or go with my ex and to be honest I have done both time and time again, he is the hardest person ever to shake, I guess because he always fights for me and never gives up on me/us, its me now trippin and me for a long time now after things that happened, he has been fighting for me since, even when I ran to another, he just waited patiently and lovingly with open arms and door until the moment I would return, which happened but only for me to run yet again. Alot happened with us, thats why its hard to heal, but the bottom line truth is , nothing feels like love like being in his arms, and I still love a whole lot about 'us' , despite all that i hate that happened and all I didnt like, there is so much I still do and always will love

pray for me girl! sigh! just when I think I am strong, I am not

he dont make it easy, he is the most lovingly expressive man I have known, but as you know he also was and has been the coldest man on earth when he thought he might be losing me-so far so good-he does none of that anymore-but its hard to trust-again

I hurt with him, I hurt without him

so this is the lets be real thread right?:lachen:

Absolutely! Hash it out mentally and spiritually. These menzes!!! :lachen: