Fabulous Website for tons of knowledge


natural for good
I just stumbled on this website. WOW!!!:sweet:

If you just type in the name of any ingredient in your lotion, shampoo, conditioner, etc...you'll be greeted with tons of references and information on what that ingredient is and/or does. And then you can click on any of the underlined words that appear in the definition of that ingredient, to learn even more!!!

Hope this helps someone the way it has helped me!!
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, anyone.....???:evillaugh:

Oooh, nice! Thanks - though, it looks like it's just doing a google search? Hrm, maybe I'm not using it right.
Just click on "BEAUTY" in the side margin. Then you can scroll through the alphabet for a description of almost every single ingredient in almost every single product we use here in this forum.

This has been added to my favorites at the very top!!:grin:


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Here's another one for us, Ladies & Gents. Education is KEY.....and I learned that right here at LHCF!!

THis site will even tell you how many potentially hazardous items are in your product.

Happy learning!!


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