Extremely frustrated!


New Member
Hi Ladies, just when I thought that I had my regimen down, my hair has decided to act up! First a little background. My hair is 4b (I guess) and I am texlaxed to 60 - 70% I think. When my hair is wet, it shrinks up and looks like I don't have much of a relaxer at all. I do still have relaxed ends or I would just wear a puff.

So anyway, normally, I will wash and condition using Paul Mitchell Super Skinny poo and conditioner then I deep condition with 10 en 1 and then I ACV rinse. I use a serum and blowdry my hair using the comb attachment. This I feel has been wrecking havoc on my hair and when I'm done I have hair on the floor. Not good! And yes, I detangle before blow drying, maybe I should do it more.

So, this past week, I tried to airdry using the scarf method with a pony tail. The front was nice and flat. The middle, however, is a rats nest and even though I used NTM my newgrowth is so hard! I don't know what to do. I'd like to airdry, but my hair just will not co-operate. Please help me. Otherwise, I may be forced to get a corrective relaxer and straight relaxing closer to straight which would jeopardize the thickness. TIA
Girl you just described my hair in a nutshell. The inside of my hair is a extreme BUSH, under any circumstances when I airdry! I have nothing to say to help that except don't comb it.

The day after I airdry my hair using the scarf method my hair is always hard. I have no clue why. No matter WHAT i put on it the night before. But it softens up the next day after moisturizing. I soften it up using my moisturizing concoction (Humectress, Humecto, oils, and water) and then seal it with my keracare oils. That softens the hair immediatly!

As far as the bush in the middle, that never goes away when you aren't applying direct heat, especially when you are really post-relaxer. Atleast for me it doesn't. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you detangle well before you airdry and keep the outside smooth and soft (but DO keep both inside and out moisturized), and don't comb it, no one will ever know. I know it's not the answer you ar elookign for but i hope it helps.
MizaniMami said:
As far as the bush in the middle, that never goes away when you aren't applying direct heat, especially when you are really post-relaxer. Atleast for me it doesn't.

This is the case with myself as well. :yep: No matter how much I detangle under the shower, air dry with a ponytail, that bush underneath my hair doesn't go anywhere!:lol:
MizaniMami said:
Girl you just described my hair in a nutshell. The inside of my hair is a extreme BUSH, under any circumstances when I airdry! I have nothing to say to help that except don't comb it.

The day after I airdry my hair using the scarf method my hair is always hard. I have no clue why. No matter WHAT i put on it the night before. But it softens up the next day after moisturizing. I soften it up using my moisturizing concoction (Humectress, Humecto, oils, and water) and then seal it with my keracare oils. That softens the hair immediatly!

As far as the bush in the middle, that never goes away when you aren't applying direct heat, especially when you are really post-relaxer. Atleast for me it doesn't. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you detangle well before you airdry and keep the outside smooth and soft (but DO keep both inside and out moisturized), and don't comb it, no one will ever know. I know it's not the answer you ar elookign for but i hope it helps.

Wow. i really thought it was just me. At one point I was thinking about blowdrying my hair out after I washed it but I didnt want to compromise the health of my hair. I thought everyone on this board received great results from airdrying with the scarf. Mine just got hard the next morning with a heap of newgrowth in the middle of my head.

I am going to try rollersetting and see how that works out for me
Imani..., since the scalf method worked well for you in the front, why don't you incorporate that with rollersetting. What you can do is use the scalf but instead of a ponytail, rollerset the back. Silver2 has a great illustration of how to do this and it has worked very well for me. If I were to airdry without rollersetting or the scalf method, my hair end & NG would be very dry and similar to what you describe.

imani97 said:
Hi Ladies, just when I thought that I had my regimen down, my hair has decided to act up! First a little background. My hair is 4b (I guess) and I am texlaxed to 60 - 70% I think. When my hair is wet, it shrinks up and looks like I don't have much of a relaxer at all. I do still have relaxed ends or I would just wear a puff.

So anyway, normally, I will wash and condition using Paul Mitchell Super Skinny poo and conditioner then I deep condition with 10 en 1 and then I ACV rinse. I use a serum and blowdry my hair using the comb attachment. This I feel has been wrecking havoc on my hair and when I'm done I have hair on the floor. Not good! And yes, I detangle before blow drying, maybe I should do it more.

So, this past week, I tried to airdry using the scarf method with a pony tail. The front was nice and flat. The middle, however, is a rats nest and even though I used NTM my newgrowth is so hard! I don't know what to do. I'd like to airdry, but my hair just will not co-operate. Please help me. Otherwise, I may be forced to get a corrective relaxer and straight relaxing closer to straight which would jeopardize the thickness. TIA
I don't use heat. I do airdry my hair, exculsively, and in a bun, most of the time. My hair always comes out very smooth and silky. Maybe, you could try that or use a scarf w/ that method and see what results you get. Good luck! :)
There won't be a bush when airdrying in a rollerset. I agree with Ivanay about trying Sylver2's method. :yep:

I've been using the ponytail rollersetting method for the last three years (making several ponytails on the head using safe, soft hair bands like Scunci Hair Hosiery bands) , rolling each ponytail up with magnetic rollers. No bush underneath because all of the hair is smoothed out in the rollerset and the bands allow the roots to airdry taut.
Leaving conditioner in my hair is the only thing that keeps it from getting hard. I use Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner. Also any kind of set such as braidout or rollerset makes my hair soft.
I'd suggest roller setting for straight styles. I normally wear twist outs.

I can't do the pony tails either. :nono:
Thanks ladies for your advice. I will try roller setting. It's been quite difficult lately. Did I mention that it's been harder to detangle my roots after washing? So rollersetting will be even more of a task. I think I need to find a good detangler.
imani97 said:
Hi Ladies, just when I thought that I had my regimen down, my hair has decided to act up! First a little background. My hair is 4b (I guess) and I am texlaxed to 60 - 70% I think. When my hair is wet, it shrinks up and looks like I don't have much of a relaxer at all. I do still have relaxed ends or I would just wear a puff.

So anyway, normally, I will wash and condition using Paul Mitchell Super Skinny poo and conditioner then I deep condition with 10 en 1 and then I ACV rinse. I use a serum and blowdry my hair using the comb attachment. This I feel has been wrecking havoc on my hair and when I'm done I have hair on the floor. Not good! And yes, I detangle before blow drying, maybe I should do it more.

So, this past week, I tried to airdry using the scarf method with a pony tail. The front was nice and flat. The middle, however, is a rats nest and even though I used NTM my newgrowth is so hard! I don't know what to do. I'd like to airdry, but my hair just will not co-operate. Please help me. Otherwise, I may be forced to get a corrective relaxer and straight relaxing closer to straight which would jeopardize the thickness. TIA

Yes girl...this is the main reason why I cut-back on my air-drying. Just too much breakage for me. The front and back were always okay. Even the sides were fine. But the CROWN of my hair would be a MESS! A TANGLED MESS! :nono: As a result, I have hair at the crown of my hair that is shorter than the rest of my hair due to breakage. :cry:

I experienced a lot of breakage at the crown of my hair due to air-drying. I tried different methods too, but its' just that my crown is so much thicker/nappier than the rest of my hair. :(

I don't know what to tell you other than maybe letting your hair air-dry 75% maybe, and then blow drying the crown/middle part of your roots will help the "bush" results.
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Let me also add that what MAY work (I haven't really tried this myself) is doing the pony tail method with a lot of little scrunchies.

For example, instead of just air-drying your hair with one big ponytail in your hair, what if you tried parting your hair in 4 quarters, and putting scrunchies on the four quardrants of hair?

OR, you could do 3 pony's down the middle of your hair. One in the front, one at the crown, and one down at the nape. If you tie the scrunchie tight at the crown (not TOO tight! lol), maybe your hair will be straighter at the crown.
This is just a suggestion! Again...I haven't tried this myself, but I think it may work. I think the reason why the crown gets so bushy is because it's the thickest part of our hair (for most people anyway), but it doesn't get any resistance (scrunchie) in order to dry tight and smooth. So, it just dries to its natural curl pattern.

imani97 said:
Thanks ladies for your advice. I will try roller setting. It's been quite difficult lately. Did I mention that it's been harder to detangle my roots after washing? So rollersetting will be even more of a task. I think I need to find a good detangler.

When I was really stretching last month (to the point where the new growth was driving me nuts), I discovered detangling under the running water in the shower with a detangling comb works great! HTH
Isis said:
There won't be a bush when airdrying in a rollerset. I agree with Ivanay about trying Sylver2's method. :yep:

I've been using the ponytail rollersetting method for the last three years (making several ponytails on the head using safe, soft hair bands like Scunci Hair Hosiery bands) , rolling each ponytail up with magnetic rollers. No bush underneath because all of the hair is smoothed out in the rollerset and the bands allow the roots to airdry taut.

How are you guys keeping the magnetic rollers in? Are you using pins? I'm rollersetting-retarded and can't manage even the regular rollersetting method. I'd need help with this, please.