Extremely Discouraged


Well-Known Member
This weekend I went to a dominican hair Salon in Manhattan on Columbus Ave ( I only go here when my aunt is unable to relax my hair for me). Anyway, I asked for a little trim and this lady CUT my hair. And i know there was no miscommunication becuase she repeated what I said and asked me again "a little right?"

There was nothing I could have done because she started from the MIDDLE of my head. At least if it was the front and I saw the first chop I could have done some kind of short bangs of something.

My hair use to be pst my shoulders when wet. Well after she finished with me my hair was at my jaw line! I knew I had split ends but overall I could have gone without a trim. I have just been told that it is good to get a trim after every relaxer. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!

My hair was looking healthier ever since i started taking better care of my hair and finding LCHF a month ago. I feel like giving up because it's going to take even longer to get to bra strap. Everyone tells me that my hair still looks very nice. But that is not the point I was really getting into the whole better hair care regimens and now I just feel DISCOURAGED!

Please tell me that someone else has been through this. If so what did you do to try to speed up the hair growth because right now I hardly have hair to put in a ponytail :

I am really considering the baggie method. Basically this horrible experience has makes me want long hair even more than I did before but I feel like giving up HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Sorry I never did get around to posting pictures since I joined)
Awww, NYG!! I'm so sorry that this happened to you! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif And yes, it has happened to me too! All I can tell you is to continue to take care of it and it will grow back. Also, and I'm sure you know this, DON'T GO BACK TO THAT HEIFER AGAIN!!!!

After my SHS experience, when I wanted my ends trimmed, I would take my hair in between my fingers and tell them real sternly, 'do not cut above my fingers'. after the first snip, I'd snatch my head away, grab the mirror and look to see how much they's snipped. Doing this, I've never had that problem again.
Don't be discouraged! Just remember that it will grow back. But make sure that you don't let anyone else come near you with scissors.
You can get it back on point just remember to stay away from scissor happy stylists. only let those you trust trim your hair
I'm sooo sorry /images/graemlins/kiss.gif but look at the positive side: At least your ends are great and you can make it your goal to keep them great while you grow it out.
/images/graemlins/kiss.gif don't be discouraged sweety.

That has happened to me, as recently as this summer. After letting my hair grow out my dominican stylist lopped off 4 inches.

I no longer let her trim my hair, just let her give me touchups and apply my colourshines. I go to a white stylist for a dry dusting. Dustings are true length-savers.
I know the feeling, but just know that your hair will grow back.... /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes! This happened to me last October. I'd moved, so I let a new stylist trim my hair. He took off 3 inches after I asked him to trim my ends. He started from the back, so there wasn't much I could do, either /images/graemlins/frown.gif. I didn't get a trim again for 11 months, when I went to see one of my old stylists. I didn't do anything to speed up my growth, but I have tried the baggie method before and it's wonderful /images/graemlins/up.gif.

I also think TigerLily's advice is the best way to handle future trims. I understand being discouraged, but it will grow back, and it will be even longer than before. Nothing to do now but take solace in having healthy even (I hope it's even, right? /images/graemlins/look.gif) ends and wait for your growth. Cheer up /images/graemlins/kiss.gif.
NYgyrl ~

I *completely* understand how you feel. It's a shame when people who expect to be paid for their service act so unprofessionally! This past Monday (a week ago today), I experienced -again!- what you went through. My hair went from brushing brastrap to quite a bit shorter.

((((hug)))) Hang in there! Yes, the baggie method is VERY good for retaining healthy length quickly. Since your ends -and mine- are definitely NOT split now, we're off to a good start.

Plus, the baggie trick w/phonytail = a quick, easy style that requires little manipulation /images/graemlins/up.gif + lots of moisture /images/graemlins/up.gif + no measuring (you can smooth it back into a bun/braid and forget about how it looks) /images/graemlins/up.gif. I've done this before and my new length is a pleasant surprise at touchup time.
Been there! I had a fit! Needless to say I never went back.

Try to look at it from the positive - at least now your ends are healthy. Now your are off to a good start!
sillygurl18 said:
I'm sooo sorry /images/graemlins/kiss.gif but look at the positive side: At least your ends are great and you can make it your goal to keep them great while you grow it out.

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Im sorry and I agree with sillygirl.The good thing is while you are waiting for your hair to grow, your ends will be healthier.
glossyxlipz said:
sillygurl18 said:
I'm sooo sorry /images/graemlins/kiss.gif but look at the positive side: At least your ends are great and you can make it your goal to keep them great while you grow it out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im sorry and I agree with sillygirl.The good thing is while you are waiting for your hair to grow, your ends will be healthier.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! Hang in there girl! I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have had the same thing happen, over and over again. In fact, it was one of the reasons that I decided to stop going to stylists and do my own hair (which is much healthier now that I'm taking care of it myself!) I agree with the others, your ends probably look great. Plus, as someone else posted when you crave brastrap length just strap on a phonytail. I wear mine every weekend! /images/graemlins/look.gif
Thanks everyone for all of your words of encouragement and comfort. I feel better already and I am not going to give up. And you are right at least my hair looks a lot healthier. I need to start posting pictures of progress now. lol
I am glad that I can come here and complain and throw a fit about my experience because other family members tell me that "it is just hair!" They just don't understand. Thanks for the emotional support /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
I’m sorry to hear about your experience. You know I could easily tell you not to get discouraged but I wouldn’t be taking my own advice. I recently had my hair cut (I gave my stylist permission to cut what needed to be cut) and now I’m left with hair that’s 2-3 inches shorter. I can barely pull it into a ponytail and it’s shorter than what I’m used to. I keep thinking to myself…have I set myself back 4 months of growth?? But I keep telling myself it’s going to grow back and look better than ever…and come to find out my new growth is coming in! /images/graemlins/clap.gif

So, I can’t say that you won’t get discouraged but don’t worry it’s going to grow back despite what it looks like now. Try different styles…one that compliments the cut and just continue to take care of your hair as you normally would and your hair will grow back better than before! HTH.
Don't be discouraged. In May, I was bra clasp length and a stylist cut over 2 1/2 inches of my hair /images/graemlins/mad.gif well my hair wanted some revenge so it grew back to brastrap in August. Your hair WILL grow back with a vengence! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey NYGrl!!! Im sorry you experienced that!!! I want you to know your hair will GROWWWWW back and be soooo healthy!!!!!

Good luck!!! BTW......what salon is this? just curious...cause my place is in the city too...
Sorry to hear about your experience NewYorkgyrl /images/graemlins/frown.gif
The same thing happend to me when I was 17yrs. The stylist started from the back and I was practically left with approx 1inch there!!!! At the time I was too shy to complain. But it grew back in no time at all which I attributed to me having a perm and therfore keeping it very moisturised with the activator (even though I did not understand the importance of moisture at the time). Luckily now I have to force my stylist to trim / cut my hair!!!