Extremely DAMAGED Colored Hair


New Member
Hi every one, i need some serious help. I hav e been bleacing and coloring my hair for spme time now and i am in the dumps. My hair is so damaged that everytime i have some new growth, the ends break and i'm stuck at the same short legnth (chin) I really need some suggestions on what i need to do, i don't have money to go to the salon now to have proffesional fix it and even if i did i wouldn't trust them not to make matters worst. What Should I Do? This is so depressing. I put some braids in my hair for the summer following the tips from growafrohairlong.com i know my hair will still be breaking when i take it out in a few weeks. I also want to use Surge 14 on my scalp to help with growth but then i won't be able to wash often if i have the braids. Can i use it anyways and wash once every couple weeks? As you can tell i am cluleless on what to do. I really need some help from you guys ASAP:(
I heard ApHogee products are good for damaged hair. Click Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CUT IT OFF AND START OVER!!! Damaged hair cannot be "repaired"...you just trim off the damaged ends as your hair grows. If your hair is as bad as it seems from your description, you should just cut of off and start over. Leave the bleach, relaxers, texturizers, etc. alone...they're caustic and work REALLY well to unclog drains...and I can say this because I just mixed some relaxers w/water and poured it down my drain to unclog it and it worked!

Also, DRINK at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily and increase your intake of fresh/raw fruits and veggies. Healthy hair begins on the INSIDE!

I wish you the best!
i agree with patience, the only way to rid yourself of damaged ends is to cut them off, otherwise the damage will continue to go up the hairshaft. you really need to moisturize too, because take it from someone who knows, COLORED HAIR WILL DRY OUT QUICK! i would suggest doing a search on this as well, like "hair color and moisture" or something like that. HTH
I don't think you should have your hair in braids and I don't think mositure is your best solution at the moment. Unless your hair is falling out in clumps scissors are also optional - for now.

You need to take the braids out, get a trim, stock up on a good protein conditioner (a search will yield more suggestions than you can stand) and then wash (or condition wash if you prefer) your hair often. Deep condition twice a week.

I'd also hold off on Surge right now. You need to keep it simple. Shampoo, Deep conditioner, Detangler and a moisturizer/serum.

That's it....you just have to be consistent about it.

Good Luck.
Cut it offffff.:o I know thats mgith be the best thing but the thought makes me cringe. I always cut the damaged area but it just keep on breaking. I might just do a big chop, even though it won't be too much of a big chop since my hair isn't that long anymore and start from scratch i'm just scared of looking like a boy, lol. I'm gonna try moisture and protien conditioners and shampoos.
CUT IT OFF!!! Your hair is DAMAGED! It WILL BREAK CONTINUOUSLY until ti's helathy! Your BEST BET, is to cut it off and start over. Keep your products to a minimum and stary away from caustic materials like relaxers, texturizers and perms. If you are advised to wear gloves in order to use the product, LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Wear your hair natural and take good care of it! Throw on some hoop earrings and some lip gloss and go look cute!
Can u do a style that involves minimal handling like twists with a soft gel? When I was growing out my damaged relaxed hair. I would buy that black get that doesn't get hard and do two stranded twists. I am not going to say I had no breakage and eventually I did cut off the relaxed hair but it was after almost a year and I had a sizeable afro by then. I kept the fro for several months then went back to relaxing.

You need a style that won't put too much tension on the hair as it grows out. I also use to do medium box braids (no exensions check my hair pics.) Not that you can't do extensions I did those too just make sure they don't do them too tight.


I couldn't live with the thought of just chopping of all my hair at first either. You know it will have to come off eventually but experiement with differernt styles tht will allow you do to it a bit at a time.

And even after all that my last stylist messed my hair up again! And now I am working on correcting it by deep conditoning constantly minimal manipulation and moisture the one damaged section is holding up and I am cutting it out slowly but surely....Good luck


As you can see I am still working on it but it is possible to get your hair back without a radical chop.
Try and determine what part of your hair is healthy vs. what part is damaged beyond repair. If a hair is split and forked and looks like a tree branch, no conditioner is going to magically glue those ends back together. If some of the hair is just really suffering from lack of moisture and harsh bleaching, then it can probably be nursed back to health.
I wouldn't put braid extensions in damaged hair. If I was going to wear braids in your situation, I would commit to doing it for a long while and chop of ALL the damage first. I would keep it natural while in braids, maybe staying in them for a year a so, then going back to relaxing if I wanted to do that.
But I would try to save the hair first.
Do a search for Tracy's "Bootcamp" regimen. It could really help you.
(Even though from your member name and your post, I think you are natural anyway).
Oh and I'd also stay away from haircolor while in braids.
It's not a good idea to braid damaged hair. I say leave it alone and stock up on moisture and protein treatments. And no matter what you do, if the hair is damaged beyond repair, it needs to be cut off.
I tend to agree with Tracy on this re: not jumping to cut. This is just my suggestion. Use the board search function for threads on breakage.

Give yourself a good trim to even everything out. I don't know how you style your hair, but try to blunt cut it into a bob style...straight across. It makes managing ends easier for me.

Now...this is where I depart from Tracy. Seeing as I have bleached hair now, moisture is key! You need to find a nice balance between protein and moisture, and you need a good leave-in moisture packed conditioner to use after each wash. Shampoo maybe once a week, but condition-wash as often as you feel comfortable. The point is that shampoo can be harsh on the hair.

Next, I would keep the hair wrapped, rollerset or rollerwrapped (doobie). Use as little heat as possible.

So in summary my advice is. Blunt cut(trim), protein treatment 1-2 time weekly until breakage stops, moisturize daily! Whether it be a deep moisturizing conditioner, or a daily moisturizing creme or serum...do it morning and night!

Best wishes!
girl, i feel your pain. you sound like my hair twin. only i never put it in breads but weave

I used to color my hair like twice a month, etc etc. my hair was so damaged - i was suicidal - no joke!
ive always had strong hair and thought it was invincible

i put it in a weave for summer 2002 and planned on leaving it in forever at least till my hair grew out... then!!!!

I DISCOVERED THIS BOARD!! I lurked and read then joined, asked tons of questions and took out that darn weave and began taking care of my hair.

I never cut all of it. I started out with 16" of super dryed, fryed hair - i mean FRIED! every two months i would cut 3" or 2" then after a year i would cut 1" or 1/2". I currently have 20 1/2". with only 2" of the 'red hair'.

The first thing i did was to deep condition my hair with cholesteral, every week for a month, I would add Jheri Rheding natural protein to this, plastic cap on and 20mins under dryer. sometimes i did twice a week. then i would plat in 4 and airdry, once or twice i roller set and sit under dryer.

Then i became a PJ
and bought anything i read was good
aubrey GPB, le klairs, CON, elucence, dat avocado conditioner etc etc u get the pic
now if u cant afford to become a PJ, get good staples like suave cucumber cond - do conditioner washes, neutrogena triple moisture line is good. aubrey GPB (from vitamins shoppe) is A+ and cheap. Get queen helen or le kair cholestral, aphogee treatments are great.

well ... welcome and its gona be great! stick with us on here
patience said:
CUT IT OFF!!! Your hair is DAMAGED! It WILL BREAK CONTINUOUSLY until ti's helathy! Your BEST BET, is to cut it off and start over. Keep your products to a minimum and stary away from caustic materials like relaxers, texturizers and perms. If you are advised to wear gloves in order to use the product, LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Wear your hair natural and take good care of it! Throw on some hoop earrings and some lip gloss and go look cute!

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I hope you'll take the wonderful advice you've received and cut (not trim) that hair off. Damaged hair is incredibly unattractive...a real eye sore. Please don't try to hang on to it just for the sake of a little length.

Your hair will grow back in no time, trust me. That's what hair does, it grows. Don't believe the hype.
It is true that there is no cure for damaged hair except to cut it off.

If you're not willing to part with it, you can gradually trim the ends as it grows out, but be prepared to deal with thin, damaged-looking ends for a long time...
(Trust me... I've been there, so I KNOW!!
) You can try to stop the breaking and splitting with protein and moisture, but that's like putting a bandaid on it. Nothing will "cure" it except cutting it off and starting over...
THNAX GUYS!!! Evryone has given such great information and tips. I feel so loved
lol. I think i'm gonna gradually trim it until i get it back on the road to health. I'm so excited right now, i'm glad to say i'm going to start taking care of my hair. But before i head to the store with my credit card. I need to get the basics str8 on what i need to buy. I know i have to get the Apoghee like, whats GPB exactly???
. I also know i nedthe Suave condtion washes i have all of that because my sister (PrettyinPink) is a product junky she has aalmost EVERYTHING. Except Protein Treatments. What else do i need to get?? I'm trying to make a list. I'm on a mission here. healthy hair here i comee
THANX GUYS!!! Everyone has given such great information and tips. I feel so loved
lol. I think i'm gonna gradually trim it until i get it back on the road to health. Falon i'm going to try what u sugested. I'm so excited right now, i'm glad to say i'm going to start taking care of my hair. But before i head to the store with my credit card. I need to get the basics str8 on what i need to buy. I know i have to get the Apoghee treatments. And GPB exactly???
. I also know i need the Suave for condtion washes i have all of that because my sister (PrettyinPink) is a product junky she has aalmost EVERYTHING, Except Protein Treatments shes the one that introduced me to this board. What else do i need to get?? I'm trying to make a list. I'm on a mission here. healthy hair here i comee
If you're 100% natural (no chemicals) then finding what works best for your hair is going to be a toss up, ESPECIALLY until your hair is 100% healthy again. I'd STRONGLY advise you to eat plenty of fresh/raw veggies and fruits and to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Healthy hair and skin begin on the INSIDE first! Deep conditioning is also an option as well as hot oil treatments. I've used Queen Helene Creme conditioner as well as the HAIR protein conditioner...both of which were purchased at Sally's. Aphogee worked well when I was relaxed but I haven't used it since I've been natural. It may work for you, but PLEASE follow the instructions so that you won't cause more harm than good. You may also want to consider spritzing your hair throughout the day. I can give you a recipe if you like. Lastly, get into the habit of reading the ingredients in the products that you use. If you don't know at LEAST 2/3 of the ingredients, you REALLY may need to put it back on the shelf. I do this with hair products as well as food/beverages. If I don't recognize the majority of the ingredients, it remains in the store.

I wish you the best.
Patience i woul d love for you to give me the recipe to spritz my hair. I didn't know CON natures even had a Prteien conditioner. I'll have to check taht out. Also i am not natural. I would like to grow my hair natural without a perm but my hair is super nappy and super thick.
Super nappy, super thick = gorgeous hair in my eyes...

I don't know about CON having a protein conditioner. The brand name of the protein conditioner that I used was called "HAIR" and I got it from Sally's. I use the spritzs to keep my hair moist and it also keeps it soft throughout the day. I don't know how it will work for you since you aren't natural but I'll post the recipes. Unfortunately, I don't have exact measurements but I'll guesstimate. Here goes:

Using an 8oz. spray bottle:
20 drops of Rosemary essential oil
~4 capsules of Vitamin E
1 tablespoon Olive oil
Fill rest of bottle almost to the top with water
Shake before use and spritz

Another combo that I've used:
~1 Tb. spoon olive oil
~1tsp. Jojoba oil
5 capsules Vit. E
2 Tb. Suave Coconut conditioner
Fill rest of bottle with water
Shake well before each use

Another one:
10 drops Rosemary Essential oil
25 drops Sweet Orange Essential oil
4 capsules of Vit. E
~1Tb. olive oil
~1 Tb. conditioner of your choice (I like Suave)
Fill rest with water
Shake well before each use...

I hope these work for you. Have fun!
Patiece, I just noticed you sig. It made me laugh out loud! Of course I'll be applying a copper rinse to my hair today (no ammonia and no peroxide) but, I like your siggy none-the-less!
Thanks Shiny! Go rock your hair Girlee!

Oh, I also have recipes for hair/body butters...let me know if you want a few of those too.
patience said:
Super nappy, super thick = gorgeous hair in my eyes...

I don't know about CON having a protein conditioner. The brand name of the protein conditioner that I used was called "HAIR" and I got it from Sally's. I use the spritzs to keep my hair moist and it also keeps it soft throughout the day. I don't know how it will work for you since you aren't natural but I'll post the recipes. Unfortunately, I don't have exact measurements but I'll guesstimate. Here goes:

Using an 8oz. spray bottle:
20 drops of Rosemary essential oil
~4 capsules of Vitamin E
1 tablespoon Olive oil
Fill rest of bottle almost to the top with water
Shake before use and spritz

Another combo that I've used:
~1 Tb. spoon olive oil
~1tsp. Jojoba oil
5 capsules Vit. E
2 Tb. Suave Coconut conditioner
Fill rest of bottle with water
Shake well before each use

Another one:
10 drops Rosemary Essential oil
25 drops Sweet Orange Essential oil
4 capsules of Vit. E
~1Tb. olive oil
~1 Tb. conditioner of your choice (I like Suave)
Fill rest with water
Shake well before each use...

I hope these work for you. Have fun!

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if someone see patience bruised up a lil later..
