EXTREME shedding, help!


Well-Known Member
ok so my hair is shedding SO much to the point im afraid i'm going to get bald spots. i put 1 teaspoon of sulfar in 4oz of castor oil. it was fine when my hair was dry but when i washed it all hell done broke loose. i also shampooed with ORS creamy nutrilizer shampoo and have never used that before so could that have been the reason too? also when i put on my moisturizer my scalp started burning! not badly but its annoying. any ideas???!!!???
This sound serious. Is this shedding or is your hair falling it out in clumps? Has it done this before? I thought the ratio ppl have been using is 1 tsp of sulfur per 8oz of oil...?uur mixture used half the oil... Did you use the sulfur mixture on your scalp only? Did you patch test the sulfur mix prior to putting in on your head? Maybe someone with more knowledge can jump in but it sounds like one of those products didn't agree well with your body...you may have to go to the doctor if your hair is continuing to shed and burn now...
Any shedding that out of the normal should b4 checked by a doctor.

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Sounds like you used too much sulfur in your mix. You should see a dermatologist asap. Garlic supplements, tea rinses and coffee rinses all help with shedding.
Stop the sulfur and castor oil....i was having the same problem more shedding and breakage than normal. this mix was too heavy for my scalp. try aloe vera juice on your scalp. AV is my best friend. Also I've notice that if i use product from the beauty store I have more shedding (except alter ego). All of my hair products are natural. i love castor oil but it increase my shedding since fall, so im going to just add it to my DC.

The last few days it's only aloe i put on my scalp and nothing else no oil.
thanks ladies. i made an appointment to a derm. the burning has subsided but im skeptical to use either product even if i use more castor oil.
Tea rinses do stop shedding. Make sure your nutrition is on point and stop using anything that you think might be the culprit
B vitamins are very important when it comes to stress. If you are stressing the first sign of it in the body is the hair. I use holy basil to balance my body when I am stressd it will keep hair on your head.
I'm sorry you're going through this @L.Brown1114. IA w/all the suggestions given especially the derm, tea rinses and to stop using the sulfur mix. I tea rinse after every wash or co-wash.
Stop the sulfur and castor oil....i was having the same problem more shedding and breakage than normal. this mix was too heavy for my scalp. try aloe vera juice on your scalp. AV is my best friend. Also I've notice that if i use product from the beauty store I have more shedding (except alter ego). All of my hair products are natural. i love castor oil but it increase my shedding since fall, so im going to just add it to my DC.

The last few days it's only aloe i put on my scalp and nothing else no oil.
I agree, I had been usuing a sulfur based product just on my temples and I did not notice any irritation so I started to oil my hair with it like once a week. My head would start itching the next day. I also experienced excessive shedding. I try to find a spot but thank God I couldn't. I have discontinued using it. My hair seems to be recovering from it.
Go to the doc. Maybe they'll give you cortizone or something else, and hopefully its not an indication of anything serious. In the meantime, focus on vitamins. I experienced extreme shedding for a very long time. Internal changes helped me a great deal: saw palmetto, garlic pills, iron (for my anemia), B-complex, zinc, folic acid, biotin, MSM, or just a really good multi that is made for the promotion of hair.

Getting enough sleep and eating cleaner will help also. Consistency is the key.

In combination with some of the external stuff the ladies have mentioned, you should be okay.
the burning definitely sounds like a reation to the sulfur. The mixture could've been too strong or another possibility is you may be allergic to sulfur
The sulfur plus aggravating your scalp is probably why you had the burning. I would skip the sulfur. Maybe try adding some garlic to your shampoo or conditioner