Extreme Makeover


New Member
Did anyone see the extreme makoer tonight? There was a lady who had hair extentions. The hair was attatched to something and pulled through that thing. Over all it looked very natural. I could see how many celebrities could get hair extentions that flow like natural hair.

Somehow Jader Pinket came to my mind when I saw it.
I saw it. I noticed, however, that when she was hugging her boyfriend at the reveal, you could see a little bit of the metal thingy....I would be nervous about that.

how is she supposed to take that out those metal clasps were tiny
Well don't forget that he hair was cut in layers. Because she had layers it probabily made the upper layer a bit thinnner which would expos the metal thing more.
Teva said:
Did anyone see the extreme makoer tonight? There was a lady who had hair extentions. The hair was attatched to something and pulled through that thing. Over all it looked very natural. I could see how many celebrities could get hair extentions that flow like natural hair.

Somehow Jader Pinket came to my mind when I saw it.

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Jada Pinkett Smith's hair is real check out Nov. 03 Black Hairstyles & Trends we've got to remember each of her pregnancies added to her hair growth I've seen it with a lot of pregnant women over.
Are you guys talking about the episode last night with the black lady who had the cleft palate? That story had me crying, ya'll.
I agree about Jada hair. It is all hers. I watched the behind the scenes portion of the Matrix DVD and they have some real good shots of her hair.
Makes me wonder how many caucasian female stars are wearing weaves. Demi Moore comes to mind. I also saw the episode with Diane Sawyer interviwing Brittney Spears last night. I sure was looking for some metal clips in that girl's hair. I think Brittney wears weaves.

Now as far as Jada is concerned, I remember her hair on a Different World. Wasn't it long and natural? She has always had long hair to me. But you never know.
Jada's hair has been short, like dust on a jug short, so when I first saw her looong hair, I assumed it wasa weave. But then I saw some pictures of the last few years with the gradual lengths, I'd have to agree about her hair being real. I have tendancy to forget that when we see them and then we seee them AGAIN, it could really be a significant amount of time and that hair was probably growing away!
Britney does wear a weave- she straight admits it. I've seen shows on her when they are putting it in, or she'll be talking to the camera and say it's not all her hair. Whatever- more power, Little Miss!
I remember I saw MTV Diary with Britney. This fan came up to her while she was in her car and was like"I love your hair...is it real?"
And Britney was like "Yep.It is all mine"
When the girl left Britney turned to the camera,pointed to her head and was like "It's fake"
That cracked me up.That girl was waaay too nosey and Britney isn't her friend for her to ask her something like that.
katie said:
I remember I saw MTV Diary with Britney. This fan came up to her while she was in her car and was like"I love your hair...is it real?"
And Britney was like "Yep.It is all mine"
When the girl left Britney turned to the camera,pointed to her head and was like "It's fake"
That cracked me up.That girl was waaay too nosey and Britney isn't her friend for her to ask her something like that.

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That was bold!