Extreme Makeover Show!!!!


New Member
OK.....Here it is...

African American woman get an extreme makeover. Now onto the Hair Salon session of the show :

Her hair was natural and look as if it was dyed a red and brownish color. She had 12 inches of natural hair which was beautiful. The hairdresser start to part her hair vertically from the crown to center back of her hair. As he parted her hair in 3 inch sections he cuts her hair almost down to the root. One of the hosts of the show stops him (cuz he is freakin out
) to ask what is he doin'? The hairdresser states that he is attempting to give her volume to her hair
!! He then stops there ( or so I guesss

This just goes to show you ... even in the exclusive shops it does not matter...not all people know ( especially what LHCF members
) about AA hair.

Any comments are more than welcomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did the lady seem mad about it?
I saw this makeover once and the lady had waist length deadlocks and they cut it all off.She was left with a very cute twa but was crying while they were cutting.
I know I would have more than freaked out.
And they gave her the hair in a bag !!!Ugh the nerve!
I think at that point she really didnt care about her hair because that wasnt why she went on the show. She was really excited about change and if that meant chopping her hair of while the stylist was blindfolded then so be it...lol. Like i said b4, she'll be rocking a twa soon becuz i doubt she'll be able to part her hair without a row of scalp showing.
Dag that's crazy. Even the host was wondering WTH he was doing. That should say something right there. But I guess if you've had major cosmetic surgery your hair is the least of your concerns.
It does make me wonder though... why do so many makeover like REQUIRE a haircut?
Oh, that makes me so mad! Doesn't seem to matter what nationality someone is, if they have long hair going on to any kind of makeover show, they always seem to chop all of their hair off! It's as if long hair can't be beautiful or sexy! I mean, hello, do they ever pay attention to the Pantene models? It's so annoying!
Blacktresses, you should have seen me: I nearly had a conniption when I saw him doing that. I was too mad to even hear his reason for doing it so I assumed he was trying to reduce the volume???

Reminds me of a time, years back, when I asked a few friends including a white girl
to help me undo my synthetic micro-braids. Since I wasn't gonna use the hair again, I didn't mind them cutting off the part beyond my hair and then undoing the part with my hair using their fingers. I didn't think of suggesting this until we were halfway through undoing then braids. Suddenly I hear the white girl exclaim with pleasure and surprise, "Oh! This isn't as tricky as I thought!" a split second after she chopped off a braid from the base.
Boy did I have a fit!!! And to add insult to injury, she looked at me with an amused smirk on her face and mumbled, "Hey, relax; it's not like it won't grow back!" (Grow wha'???? ) Ooooh...Boy! I had to master every iota of self-control in me to stop me from giving her a practical explanation of my point of view.
No this white man, "stylist", that looked like he was completely coked up was snipping all over her head. Volume, WTH
How can that be healthy for your hair?
I really like that the personal shopper guy was like "Whoa" --What are you thinking!" when the stylist made the cut. I'd really like him to come take a look at my closet and take me shopping.

Regarding the technique. She had super curly hair and some stylists do use a technique of cutting some layers of curly hair shorter than other layers to reduce the bulk. But he should have asked her if it was okay--BEFORE cutting off layers down to the root. The girl was on GMA this morning and she wore a shoulder length bob. The blond actually looked pretty good on her.

I'm sure she was thinking--"The hair can grow back." Her main issue was the dental work. On GMA she said that she had researched the cost and it would have cost her about $38,000!!!
kasey said:
Regarding the technique. She had super curly hair and some stylists do use a technique of cutting some layers of curly hair shorter than other layers to reduce the bulk. But he should have asked her if it was okay--BEFORE cutting off layers down to the root.

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Kasey your exactly right, that technique is designed to decrease bulk and reduce the weight of the hair. I would never have this procedure done on my hair, but a friend had it done and stated that her hair was easier to style and manipulate after that.
I think she should have stopped him when he whipped out the hair dye. It came out looking drier than when she went in!

I also couldn't understand why he cut off almost all of her hair in one section and left it longer in others.

It was like tiny mohawks. He was like "gotta cut more...gotta cut more..."
hairlove said:
Oh, that makes me so mad! Doesn't seem to matter what nationality someone is, if they have long hair going on to any kind of makeover show, they always seem to chop all of their hair off! It's as if long hair can't be beautiful or sexy! I mean, hello, do they ever pay attention to the Pantene models? It's so annoying!

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I agree!

I wish I saw GMA to see her in the bob. Like I said on the Off Topic page, I would've b**tched slapped the stylist had he done this without asking or checking first.

Hey, if she's happy though then fair enough FOR HER. I long for the day of seeing a makeover on a black girl where they give her a great new style without resorting to a weave or the extreme cut techniques like just shown with this woman. No wonder there aren't many black candidates, there too friggin' scared over what they'll do to their hair!