Extreme Kitchen Makeover 2007

aloof one

New Member
My (sorry if its long) story:
I used to just have about an inch of hair on the nape of my neck for years (when my mom used to abuse my hair). Then when I took over my own head in highschool I noticed that it DID grow if I took care of it. And actually, it was as long as the rest of my hair... for a while. Then I got greedy and lazy and started cutting corners. And of course not paying attention to my kitchen led to half of it down my back and past my shoulders,... and the other half a chewed up, sad 1-inch. :( So while crying over my sink I cut that hoe off and had to deal with scab hair for a week before I gave up and cut it off again. Oh it hurt, but it was for the best, because--

Now its 100% natural and growing faster than ever!!!

So,... I think we should implement an EXTREME KITCHEN MAKEOVER CHALLENGE! Who's interested? I can't help but wonder if there are girls out there who have recently been struggling the same way have with the back of their heads and had to start over from scratch. That way maybe we can check progress, share tips and all of that.

Final thought: Whats the point in having a lovely front and then lift up those luscious locs only to find an ate up back? :lachen:

Any takers?
Good luck with this challenge. After going natural my kitchen finally started to flourish. It is the thickest and longest it has been in a very long while. I just say remember to condition, moisturize, moisturize, seal with oil, and leave it alone as much as possible.
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I have to pass:perplexed My kitchen is fine, it's my edges that i have to work on.
BTW Al00fone-Your very pretty. Good luck!
Good luck ladies,

I was in the same boat until I realized my kitchen is actually a total different texture than the rest of my head and I need to be extra GENTLE.

Keep it moist and protected and it will grow.:)
CurliDiva said:
Good luck ladies,

I was in the same boat until I realized my kitchen is actually a total different texture than the rest of my head and I need to be extra GENTLE.

Keep it moist and protected and it will grow.:)

Me too! I started relaxing it every other relaxer and that helped a lot. I also realized it was completely different and softer in texture than the rest of my hair. I used to think it was the coarsest. I was sooooooo wrong. Now that I weave it really is growing strong.