Extra Virgin Olive Oil

My stylist told me to use extra virgin olive oil on my hair every two weeks. Does anyone else do this, and what are the benefits from it?
A lot of people use it to seal in the moisture when their hair is wet, or after applying a moisturizer. You can also use it as a pre-poo. I usually add it to many of my conditioners for slip. HTH
You can also use it as a hot oil treatment right before DCing. I did this last week, except I added some Aphogee EFAs to mine, and my hair was soft and silky.
Yes, extra virgin olive oil is great. You can use private label brand on your hair and eat the delicious Goya brand. We have a ton of other threads you can check out also. Many of them use the abbreviation "EVOO."
i use it in mixes usually like mixed into my deep condish, or mixed into my mayo light protien mix..i think cuz its in the kitchen LOL.. i also have used it after i deep condish but while my hair is soaking wet as another moisture benefit. you can also apply it to your ends at night to keep them moist.
I like pomace olive oil better because it's cheaper and thicker. The only thing is the olive oil smell is stronger
You can use EVOO more than every 2 weeks. I love to add it to my conditioners for my cowashes. It's also good for oil rinses and prepooing. It's relatively cheap and has decent results.
I love to massage my scalp with it, put it in my hair when I'm pulling it back, and when i DC, I put it on my ends (and sometimes the length of my hair)...I do this ON TOP of the conditioner and it makes my hair extra silky.

I have TWO bottles of EVOO sitting on my bedroom dresser...luv that stuff!
I heat a little Olive oil, add two crushed up asprin and massage into my damp scalp. I leave it on for an hour or so and shampoo out.
Putting a little evoo in all my conditioners is one of the best things i've learned from this site. Won't try to wash my hair with out it.
Asprin naturally has salicylic acid in it so doing this helps exfoliate a itchy scalp. I got this tip from Jeanne Graf or Leslie Bauman...I can't remember but they are dermatologists.

Thanks. I'll have to remember this next time I have an itchy scalp. The things I learn here!:)
Her stylists may be an older woman, or she learned her hair maintenance "tricks" from an older woman. I know when I was younger the woman that took care of me and my sister believed strongly in olive and castor oil, and my hair was aways manageable.