Explaining Uneven Growth, WTH??


Well-Known Member
I got a touch up and had to cut an inch of hair. The sides of my hair where right above armpit, while the middle of the back of my hair was still just below my shoulders.

How is this possible? Has anyone experienced this??? Any suggestions? Literally, the sides made it 1.5" further than the back. My bf took a pic for me to post, but it looked so dumb. It was in the shape of a lowercase 'n'

I just want my hair to grow EVENLY!! AAAHHHHHH!!
Maybe your hair is breaking off more in the back? The back of my hair tangles more than the sides, so I have to be extra careful when detangling to avoid that inverted u effect.

If it really is a problem with growth, try using a topical treatment on that area, i.e. Surge, MTG, René Furterer, ORS Temple Balm, etc.

I have the same type of issue. My hair on the leftside is much more weaker, shorter and grows slower than my right. I dont know why, but its always been that way. I give the leftside more TLC because it can't make it without some extra "stuff" here and there. I refer to it as being my "Nemo" (shortfin) side:perplexed

My stylist always wants to cut the longer lengths of my hair up to the shorter side. lol....Thats when we fall out! LOL....I told her that side (the shorter one) has to row down with the other tresses....not you cutting off my longer lengths to match it! LMAO...

Its just one of those things....it will work out just have patience and treat it delicately.
I have two to three different lengths in my hair, it's so frustrating. So far I'm able to hide it pretty well, but things like buns are just not possible:(
yep, my right side grows faster and the texture is much different, infact I don't need a perm on that said nearly as often as I do the left side. But unlike Treasure i let them cut it even cause it looks much better.
How often do you wear your hair out? Shirt collars can be MURDER on hair - and necklaces, as well. I would suspect that your hair in the back might grow a bit slower, but that it is also subject to more breakage...
Is your hair the same texture on the sides as it is in the back? Maybe the back needs extra TLC, like Treasure2k6 said....

I hope you figure it out...
My hair does the same thing! The sides are past my shoulders but the back is kinda shorter.

Im trying to catch the back up with the sides. I heard using sulphur powder mixed with oils may help your hair grow. I just started using it mixed with coconut oil and essential oils (kemi oyl). Its in a 8oz bottle. 2 teapsoons of powder.
My hair growth is uneven. Always has been. Even when I was a child just wearing my hair in braids with no manipulation. My left side always outgrows the right. I'm always having to cut that to even it up. And from the ears down is pretty short. It's my genes. All the women on my father's side of the family has that problem. So I know that it's not something I'm doing wrong.
My left side is thinner and about an inch shorter than my right side (you can see it in my siggy pic). This annoys me to no end!:mad: But it's been like that for as long as I can remember. I'm hoping that with healthier hair practices, it will "catch up" eventually.
My hair grows very uneven as well. My left side usually grows faster than my right. This past year, my crown area has been growing the fastest, making it longer than it's ever been. I decided to take the advice of someone from this forum, and dust, but not trim until I reach my goal length.
There is one possibility that I do not believe anyone has mentioned-where you sleep.

For example, I am not a wild sleeper, so I basically fall asleep and wake up in almost the same position. That means I spend more time laying on one side of my head than the other. Well, everyone will already know that the hair on all sides of my head is still growing, but the side of the head that I lay on seems to grow more slowly even if I am wrapping my hair in silk/satin scarfs. I heard that something similar happens to babies. What I did to resolve the problem is I switched the side on which I try to fall asleep. Sounds crazy, but it works.
Thanks ladies. I will have to start paying more attention to that area of my hair. I will wear my hair up until June 2007. We'll see where I am by summer. It's a shame though. I feel disappointed.
my hair is uneven on the sides too. The back of my hair is even and thick because I dont sleep on the back of my head. The left side of my hair is very short and uneven because I sleep on my left side the most. I switched to the right side and now that side is starting to get uneven. *sigh*. If I could sleep standing up I would...

I have a picture of my hair but its so embarrasing!!!
I was just thinking about this problem the other day! I took out my sew-in, hoping that the sides of my hair had finally caught up with the front, but noooooo. Not even close. My stylist suggested that maybe they were just my weak areas, but I'm curious about the sleeping habit suggestion. To the ladies who noticed this problem, are you using satin pillowcovers/scarfs?
My sides are longer than my middle also. Especially the right side. It looks stupid cuz the middle looks short in the back. I want to kno how to explain it too.
Hey girl!

This happens to me all the time! I think I've made excellent progress, and then I see that only my sides have grown and the middle is slacking. I'm not sure what else to suggest, but cutting back heat helps a lot. I know that my back middle area is the most fragile part of my hair, so I try not to manipulate that area at all. When I detangle, I do that section seperately and in very small sections. Protective styling has helped too.

Honestly, I'm thinking of putting the relaxer there last as well, just because it's such a sensitive area & super fine, compared to the rest of my hair.
GirlywithCurlies said:
I was just thinking about this problem the other day! I took out my sew-in, hoping that the sides of my hair had finally caught up with the front, but noooooo. Not even close. My stylist suggested that maybe they were just my weak areas, but I'm curious about the sleeping habit suggestion. To the ladies who noticed this problem, are you using satin pillowcovers/scarfs?

I wondered if my thin left side was due to my sleeping position, but I tend to alternate the side that I sleep on. And I always sleep in a satin scarf (even before LHCF). So the question remains...WHAT'S UP WITH MY HEAD??:confused: :lol:
I didn’t want to but I had to. I just cut all my ends.:ohwell:
My left side was growing 1 1/2 inches longer than my right side.
I know it has to do with my sleeping pattern; I always wake up on my right side, no matter what side I fall asleep on. As I know I won't have control over this, I'll just have to keep trimming.

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bajanplums1 said:
I got a touch up and had to cut an inch of hair. The sides of my hair where right above armpit, while the middle of the back of my hair was still just below my shoulders.

How is this possible? Has anyone experienced this??? Any suggestions? Literally, the sides made it 1.5" further than the back. My bf took a pic for me to post, but it looked so dumb. It was in the shape of a lowercase 'n'

I just want my hair to grow EVENLY!! AAAHHHHHH!!

Don't feel bad my hair grows uneven too. I have no idea why it does that and now I am past the point of caring. I used to cut it to even it off now I am gonna cut it once my shorter side reaches where I want it.
OneInAMillion said:
Hey girl!

This happens to me all the time! I think I've made excellent progress, and then I see that only my sides have grown and the middle is slacking. I'm not sure what else to suggest, but cutting back heat helps a lot. I know that my back middle area is the most fragile part of my hair, so I try not to manipulate that area at all. When I detangle, I do that section seperately and in very small sections. Protective styling has helped too.

Honestly, I'm thinking of putting the relaxer there last as well, just because it's such a sensitive area & super fine, compared to the rest of my hair.
This is my hair to a T. My hair in the middle (at the back) is very fine and fragile and breaks easily.
Cbgo said:
Don't feel bad my hair grows uneven too. I have no idea why it does that and now I am past the point of caring. I used to cut it to even it off now I am gonna cut it once my shorter side reaches where I want it.

If it still grows like this at the next spurt, then I'm going to stop worrying about it.
Treasure2k6 said:
I have the same type of issue. My hair on the leftside is much more weaker, shorter and grows slower than my right. I dont know why, but its always been that way. I give the leftside more TLC because it can't make it without some extra "stuff" here and there. I refer to it as being my "Nemo" (shortfin) side:perplexed

My stylist always wants to cut the longer lengths of my hair up to the shorter side. lol....Thats when we fall out! LOL....I told her that side (the shorter one) has to row down with the other tresses....not you cutting off my longer lengths to match it! LMAO...

Its just one of those things....it will work out just have patience and treat it delicately.

I have the same experience. The left side of my hair grows significantly faster than the right, and it was that way even when I was natural. I've also let my stylists cut it to keep it even, but I've decided to stop doing that. Last night I was examining my hair and it's amazing the difference between the sides. But it's not noticeable to others because it just makes a "V" shape when I wear it down. I tried to get my mom to even it out of frustration, thank goodness she refused.
GirlywithCurlies said:
I was just thinking about this problem the other day! I took out my sew-in, hoping that the sides of my hair had finally caught up with the front, but noooooo. Not even close. My stylist suggested that maybe they were just my weak areas, but I'm curious about the sleeping habit suggestion. To the ladies who noticed this problem, are you using satin pillowcovers/scarfs?

85-90% of the time, I sleep in a satin scarf and/or on a satin pillowcase. Occasionally, I'll doze off while studying/reading at home without one, but most of the time, my hair is protected.
My hair grows like a horeshoe too. I recently went to a new stylist and she explained that I have 3 different hair types. The front of my hair was more like a 3b/3c along with my sides, but my crown area is definately 4b and my nape more like 4a. I were weaves so when its take down time any new stylist always want to cut to even me out sometimes its like a 3 inch difference. Very frustrating. She told my whatever I was doing for my hair was great but to catch up my crown use more moisterizer alot more than what my other areas need. Maybe its not our sleep patterns it could be that our other area is slightly different and our regime should be tweaked to help that hair reach the potential.

bajanplums1 said:
I got a touch up and had to cut an inch of hair. The sides of my hair where right above armpit, while the middle of the back of my hair was still just below my shoulders.

How is this possible? Has anyone experienced this??? Any suggestions? Literally, the sides made it 1.5" further than the back. My bf took a pic for me to post, but it looked so dumb. It was in the shape of a lowercase 'n'

I just want my hair to grow EVENLY!! AAAHHHHHH!!

I have the same problem w/ my middle. Sometimes it looks like there's a chunk taken out. I'm constantly having to even it up and I really don't know why it does that. I guess it just grows that way because I'm not seeing breakage. I have been trying to fix this problem by really babying my ends and keeping them moisturized and sealed and I try not to brush or comb them excessively. It has helped quite a bit but it's still there.
Yes, I've experienced this, too. Within 6 to 8 weeks, my hair will grow a "V" in the back. Then I have my stylist give me a blunt-cut, which nicely evens things out.
