Expired Relaxer?

what are the signs?

I have a tub of the ORS LYE relaxer, and I bought it about 3 months ago. I wanted to do a touch up tonight, but it smells slightly fishy...like, when I first used it it didn't have a smell, but now it has that fishy relaxer smell, so Im wondering if it's gone bad? I've used relaxers that have that smell before, however.

The texture is fine--its still thick and creamy, and it's still a bright white color...
Good advice to call the company. I have an Affirm relaxer tub that I had not used and I called them yesterday about the expiry date. They were very helpful. In my case I have a 4 lb tub that has never been opened but I was concerned that it would not be good. The tub has a symbol that says 24 months. I was not sure if that meant 24 months from the date of manufacture or from when it was opened. The person on the phone seemed very knowledgeable and told me that it was 24 months from the date it was opened and exposed to air. She said it did not matter how long I had it. It was an Affirm lye relaxer. That made me feel better because I have had it for about 1 year. I made a mistake and purchased two tubs when I purchased it. That is why it has never been used. She also explained the difference between the regular Affirm and the Affirm Fireguard which is what I use.