Expired Henna???


New Member
Okay so today i dragged one of my friendz with me down to Indian Sq, because you ladies have turned me into a product junkie.lol:p. Well after going from store to store, and having ppl look at me funny i FINALLY got my henna...well i got two different kinds:perplexed. The first time I asked the lady if she had body art henna and she gave me this cone shaped thing called Sapna Mahendi Cone Premium Quality. Which is for hands and feet. And then I went into another store and got MDH Henna Powder it was with the lady with hands on the front. But my thing is I look at the top of the box and it says Month of Pkg July 2005:eek: . so this might sound weird but does Henna spoil:confused:. And the same thing with my Alma Oil. Someone plz help me. Iam permed and do not wish to have my hair turn green or something, but i really want to try Henna so.......HELP:look:. Thanx in advance.
Personally I would prefer a fresher batch.

I know this may be different, but I got some stale Amla powder and it smelled bad and was discolored and hard.

If that can get stale I am sure Henna can, as well.

Henna Sooq, where I get my henna from, sent a note with my henna telling how to store it to keep it as fresh as possible. I store mine in the freezer and my cassia in a dark closet.

I doubt your hair will turn green, but I would think a fresher batch would give the best conditioning and color release, if you desire that.
Ditto what Miss Dew says. I will not buy my henna from anywhere else but Hennasooq. I've gotten henna from several other places online and found hers to be the best and freshest. It really does make a difference in the outcome of your hair. It was a Blessing to find her, because I may have stopped using henna by now if I hadn't. Don't use the old, boxed stuff. JMHO!;)
HoneyDew said:
Personally I would prefer a fresher batch.

I know this may be different, but I got some stale Amla powder and it smelled bad and was discolored and hard.

If that can get stale I am sure Henna can, as well.

Henna Sooq, where I get my henna from, sent a note with my henna telling how to store it to keep it as fresh as possible. I store mine in the freezer and my cassia in a dark closet.

I doubt your hair will turn green, but I would think a fresher batch would give the best conditioning and color release, if you desire that.

:yep: Worse case scenario is it won't do much. If it's still viable, it should turn orangey-brown (showing the color has released) and smell like partially digested hay (if you get my drift). I'd use it.
thanx ladies for ur responses...so what was the website for the henna??? and where do u buy cassia from?? i asked a couple of indian ppl in indian sq n they had no clue what it was...
GrowmeNOW said:
thanx ladies for ur responses...so what was the website for the henna??? and where do u buy cassia from?? i asked a couple of indian ppl in indian sq n they had no clue what it was...

The cheapest I've found is here: http://www.indian-herbs-exporters.com/herbs-online-shop-a.html. I found out about them from the Henna for Hair website. Cassia is $3 for 100 grams and shipping is including. I have ordered from them several times and I have been happy each time. They take longer to ship than some places so I order with that in mind. They also give free samples : http://www.indian-herbs-exporters.com/free-herbs.html and bigger sample for $1 here http://www.indian-herbs-exporters.com/try-risk-free.html

I also get cassia and other powders from HennaSooq.com.
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o0o thanx so much honeydew ur an angel. but why are so many variations of the same thing. like level 1 or level 2. and do i get the henna for hair or the body henna??
GrowmeNOW said:
o0o thanx so much honeydew ur an angel. but why are so many variations of the same thing. like level 1 or level 2. and do i get the henna for hair or the body henna??

That is actually for the cassia angustifolia or senna leaves they sell. I am not sure why people buy those. They look different at the different levels (http://www.indian-herbs-exporters.com/senna-leaf.html)

Scroll down until you see the Henna. You will see the Henna, Indigo, cassia etc. Scroll down even more and you will see amla, ritha, neem, Shikakai and more.

You know I always passed over the cassia angustifolia products. Now you have me interested in them. I need to see what they are used for. They have cassia angustifolia leaf powder.
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Okay it looks like cassia angustifolia is the kind used in laxatives. Definitely scroll down to the cassia for hair! :lol:
lol. yea i dun want that.lol. thanx alot though ur great. and one more question (i kno iam gettin annoyin) but it is the henna for hair or body henna. becuz i read that we r suppose to use the body one???. iam confused.lol
GrowmeNOW said:
lol. yea i dun want that.lol. thanx alot though ur great. and one more question (i kno iam gettin annoyin) but it is the henna for hair or body henna. becuz i read that we r suppose to use the body one???. iam confused.lol

Not annoying at all!

From IHE, I have used both. They seemed the same to me. I noticed that the one labeled for hair was "softer" I am not sure what word to use. It seemed to be sifted more like sifted flour. I hope I am explaining that right. The body art one was great, too. They both worked quite well for me. When I order from them, I get both - Don't ask me why - I don't know. They really don't seem different. Just labeled differently.

I just got 2 orders today from them :) I order a 200 grams of amla powder and 200 grams of cassia. I also got some samples of some of the other powders to try out.
o0ok thanx. sorry it takez me foreva to respond, but skool & work have me busy. well i will be ordering from that site sometime next wk, n i will be tryin the henna i have in my hair in like 5minz. wish me luck