Experimenters gone wild! Im in this club! Are You?


Well-Known Member
Experimenters gone wild!

We already know that there are those who wouldn't ever try this or that because they think it's crazy/rediculous so on and so forth. Please don't be rude or offensive here.

This is a spin-off of the "(Hair) Confessions" and "Share Your Experiments" threads. Ladies confess what "unheard of" or unpopular products you've tried for growth that you may have been keeping on the Down Low. You may have tried it for one day, a week, a month. I don't care. Reveal what uncommon thing you have tried for the sake of growth, fun, experimentation....whatever. Do add what you were hoping to accomplish such as: growth, shine, intense moisture, etc.. You may have found it at the grocery store or at the drug store or somewhere located in your very own home (kitchen, bathroom...)

I'll go first:
I went ahead and decided to try Vicks VaporRub mixed in my conditioner one day. I only did this One Day I promise. It felt the same as when I use my MN mix or Dr. Miracles products--cool and tingly feeling. I only used a spoonful. I didn't want to use too much. I was hoping to open my scalp pores for more moisture and to accelerate any amount of growth. I was so happy when the next day and the following week I wasn't bald. I don't know if I'll ever try this again though. I might start a tradition, it may be my very own homemade once-a-year "Deep Pore Moisturizing Treatment." :lol: One day I also mixed my hair mayonnaise with black pepper caus I didn't have cayenne. no, didn't get hot but it felt kinda warm. I just conditioned and rinsed it out.

Ladies I know Im not alone. I know there are other "pioneers", "scientists", or "guinea pigs" out there. Come Forward and Let it out. I know I feel relieved. Who's Next? Who cares what others say? No one can judge us. I think it will be fun--and maybe even funny--but definitely interesting to know who tried what. And if you are one who has experimented and ended up bald or "patchy", I understand and respect if you don't want to share. You're a survivor though and I know you bounced back, at least I hope.

Ms. Dlewis, I luv you & admire you and hate to call you out, but I know you've tried a certain product (I saw it at the store just the other day) and you can definitely stop in here to recap/update if you like.
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Well ya know I use ghee on my hair. I love the shine it gives. I'm going to start using it as the prepoo and see how that works.

I've tried mayo on the hair, works ok.

Egg, coconut milk and yogurt, worked good

lemon juice and water to lighten my hair back up after using amla for a long period of time

I've tried so much I'm kind of concern to post these other things.

:lachen::lachen:girl you're brave to post the vicks thing
Well ya know I use ghee on my hair. I love the shine it gives. I'm going to start using it as the prepoo and see how that works.

I've tried mayo on the hair, works ok.

Egg, coconut milk and yogurt, worked good

lemon juice and water to lighten my hair back up after using amla for a long period of time

I've tried so much I'm kind of concern to post these other things.

:lachen::lachen:girl you're brave to post the vicks thing

Right! But Im honest. Brave to POST about Vicks :lachen: Heck, I must have been even more brave to even TRY it. :lachen: Like I say, that was a one time experiment though. I can imagine what it was like for the first lady who ever tried MN and admited it. People were probably like :ohwell: or :perplexed or :look:, "Are you serious?" :lol:
Right! But Im honest. Brave to POST about Vicks :lachen: Heck, I must have been even more brave to even TRY it. :lachen: Like I say, that was a one time experiment though. I can imagine what it was like for the first lady who ever tried MN and admited it. People were probably like :ohwell: or :perplexed or :look:, "Are you serious?" :lol:

you are so right....:lachen:

Hrrrm. I dunno. I can't think of anything crazy that I've tried that people haven't raved about first, here. :lachen:
me neither,........ i usually dont try things. save for milk and honey ( not at the same time:spinning:) but thats been done