Experienced Self Relaxers: The back of the head?


Positive Vibrations
Aside from relaxing, I'm a die hard DIY. I've been researching self relaxing and I am becoming increasingly confident with each thread or article read. There is one step I am completely at a loss about though, the back of my head. I am going to get someone to help me with the back, but I still want to have the most control over the process, where she can just aid me in getting it applied faster, my question to you who self relax successfully is: What are your staple tips for the back? I'd prefer not to be bone straight neither texlaxed or underprocessed. Just straight. TIA. :yep:
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well you normally always start at the back, I always start from the back and work my way to the front, the top of the head processes the fastest because that part generates the most heat.

there's no real tip or trick and it's pretty much applying the relaxer quickly to the newgrowth to the whole head, then going back to your starting point the back and smoothing the newgrowth to your liking.

before taking any risks i'd recommend going to a trustworthy stylist, you don't want to mess your hair up, watch how the stylist does it and then try it for yourself. relaxers are no joke and if done wrong can really screw your hair up.

just my opinion.
I split my hair into four quandrants like they do in the relaxer directions. I start at the middle of the back and work my way down to the nape. Then I start at the middle of the top and work my way up to the top/bang area of my head. Then I go once through in the same order to smooth. After that it's rinse time. It took me a while to get there but that is what works for me.
I use 2 mirrors positioned correctly so I can see the back whilst relaxing it. I do the half half method detailed in my fotki journal. Once I have washed out the back, I neutralise then start the front. I have pics of it in there too, check it out and PM me if you have any questions...

God bless...
I used to part my hair in 4 sections, but I always ended up with unprocessed areas. My last 2 touch-ups I tried something new and both times it came out nearly perfect.

What I do now is part the hair from front to back and add the relaxer as I go along. It takes a lot less time for me, and I get better and more complete coverage to the new growth this way.

Perhaps when my hair is longer I will go back to sections, but I work quicker without having to remove clips and bands while trying to keep the relaxer on my (gloved) hands off of the previously relaxed hair. HTH,
i part my edges less than 1 inch all the way around my head and i part the rest into four sections. i start from the back and then do the front. i perm my the edges i left out last because they are so sensitive and u can easily experience breakage in those areas.