Experience with New Hairdresser (long)


New Member
I got a touch up last night with my NEW hairdresser. I must say I am impressed. /images/graemlins/smile.gif She specializes in braids BUT she sure knows how to do hair. /images/graemlins/angel.gif

Before I made an appointment I called her and discussed "long hair care" and I told her about my negative experiences that caused major damage and loss of length to my locks. I arrived and she took a look at my hair. It was not until she started sifting through my hair that I heard her gasp /images/graemlins/shocked.gif and react to the damage/breakage. She did say that I was lucky that my hair is longer on the tops so it hides the extent of the damage. She felt that it was due to improper Relaxer application and explained to me how she would be applying my Relaxer and indicated that she would be using Design Essentials for the SENSITIVE SCALP. She stated that although this Relaxer is more than 2 times the cost of typical Relaxer systems, this particular Relaxer is good for people who have sensitive scalps (like me) and also is very good for my hair type. She explained that wavy hair is sometimes a lot harder to break down than more kinky hair but that this Relaxer would work wonders.

She basted me and applied the Relaxer using a brush and manipulated the Relaxer mostly with the BACK of the comb. All the while she was mindful of the processing time. I was rinsed promptly and then given a deep conditioning using Designs Essentials STIMULATIONS conditioner.

I asked her if she thinks I should do the big chop to even out my hair and she said that she NEVER recommends the big chop unless it is absolutely necessary. She said that my ends were in good condition so I could wait for the next Relaxer (4 months away) for a trim. She said that we could try to even out the various lengths in stages. I asked for a Doobie wrap and when it was all done, my hair was bouncy and shiny and the best part - no burns, no discomfort and no over processed hair! My hair has never looked sooo good!

What I liked most was that she was open to suggestions and product recommendations. I brought some of my stuff with me and she used what I asked her to without giving me grief about it.

I am happy with her and think I will stay with her. She told me that I was on the right track with my hair regime and that I should continue with it no matter what. She charged me - get this $60 Cdn for the entire service. Can you believe it? I was so impressed I gave her a nice tip, and put the rest of my money into my new shoe account!

All in all it was an excellent experience!

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Hi Julia, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Well, it sounds like you had a nice experience with your new hair stylist. /images/graemlins/up.gif This is always good to hear.

My hair stylist uses Design Essential lye relaxer on my hair. I really like it, and I have no compliants about it.
That is great Julia. Glad you found a good stylist. Lord knows they are hard to come by. I am impressed with the fact that she wasn't ready to chop all your hair off. That is definitely a good sign. Keep us posted on your progress. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Julia, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I'm glad to hear you had such a nice experience. Congratulations! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
julia i'm so happy for u n this kinda thing indeeed shows that they are some hair-dressers out there who care about our hair and not jus makin money /images/graemlins/smile.gif

the lady sounds like a very nice lady especially coz she didnt advise u to chop yo hair coz we all kno how much this wud have saved her time /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yeah! Sounds like yo found that hairdresser of your dreams - [*]Actually looks at your hair BEFORE working on it.
[*]Only recommends doing the big chop if absolutely necessary.
Julia, she sounds like a keeper! Does she want to set up shop in the US as well, preferably NY? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Seriously, it's nice to hear that you found a stylist who listens to what you want and doesn't salivate at the notion of chopping off inches of hair. How great is it to hear about positive salon experiences, of which there are too few on this board. Congrats.
Girl I wish, then that would give me even more of a reason to move to NY. At least you seem to have better luck with hairdressers and accessing excellent hair products like what over there. Wes Canadians sometimes get so frustrated... thank God for the board! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks you all. I am really happy. I will definately be returning to her and I notice the difference immediately. /images/graemlins/grin.gif