Exercising Ladies - Help!


New Member
How many times do you wash your hair? My hair is shedding and breaking like crazy. Since I exercise every day, I've been conditioner washing every other day. I don't know if this is causing the problem. What can I do to stop it?
I exercise almost everyday & I co-rinse daily. when I do a co-rinse I honestly don't even comb my hair. after rinsing, I add my products, throw it in a wet bun then put on my scarf and hat. maybe it's time for u to do a protein treatment
or a deep conditioning treatment. that usually stops the breakage.
I would clarify and then do a protein treatment as Anky recommended. I like Nexxus Keraphix of Aubrey's GPB for this. Cutting down on manipulation helps too.
I excercise usually 4 times a week. I wash my hair every three days or so with a deep conditioner where I let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes. Before when I washed my hair once a week I would experience the dryness and hair breakage.
Yes I understand. I exercise about 4 to 5 times a week too.
I do c/o washes and rollersets without heat. I had to learn to sleep in those big gray rollers, but its worth it.
Try to use a lot of moisture and very little heat to style.
Hey, I usually exercise 3 or 4 days a week. I wash/co-wash every time. I dry it in a ponytail. I have no problems.
I suggest you use moisterising treatments regularly and mild proteins if it is not extreme.
I've been doing the co-washes more often and that's when I noticed the shedding and breakage. I regularly use Nexxus Emergence and Keraphix - and still the breakage. It's driving me crazy. I'm going to give the ACR a try and see what happens.

But I'm curious how much hair shed & breakage is normal?
Daily shedding is normal. I think they say 50-100 hairs for the average person per day. I think you would be the best judge of what's excessive for you. Have there been any other changes besides your CO washes lately? Diet, stress, medication, manipulation, etc.? Some people also go through seasonal shedding. Any or all of those things could play a part. Your hair is at it's most fragile when it's wet, so if you're doing CO washes daily or every other day, you'll have to be extra careful with detangling and styling.

I've never used Emergencee or Keraphix, but I was under the impression that they are pretty heavy duty. Since you say you use them regularly, maybe your hair is in protein overload. That might explain the breakage and why doing more protein treatments isn't really helping.

For the time being I would definitely say focus on moisture to give your hair elasticity and be extra gentle whenever you manipulate it.
