Exercise/Swimming with Silk or Lace Based Closures


Active Member

Pardon my ignorance, but I can't find the answers to these questions anywhere. I am thinking about doing a sew-in protective style with a lace or silk based closure (while all of my hair is braided up underneath). I also wanted to continue my own "fine body" challenge so I will continue to exercise... a LOT.

My two questions:

#1) Can you swim with a sewn in closure?

#2) Can you do vigorious daily exercise with a closure?

Sorry if I sound IG-NANT...:perplexed
Yes, but you will need to shampoo it afterwards. I wouldn't overdo the swimming...your tracks will get loose early.
Might be difficult wshing the chlorine and heavy water out of your tracks. Id be more worried about that and extreme breakage once you take it down.

However there may be ladies here who successfully swam in pools with a sew in. Hopefully they will give suggestions.
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