Exercise and Hair ( For those who exercises in the morning)


The Credit Countess

I need help and encouragement.

This morning I started going to the gym and I wore my hair rolled up in rollers and worked out. Well by the time I finished, took my shower and got dressed at the gym my hair was damped.

Morning ladies what do you do to your hair when you have to go to work. How do you maintain it. I am thinking that I am going to have to bun/fall it doing the week and wear it out on the weekends for a while, but what else can I do. My braidouts never look right to me asnd I am at a lost to how to exercise and still look good with my hair.
I am also dealing with the same issue.

What I am doing is making sure that I properly moisturize my hair at night and then again in the morning before gym. Then I put it in a bun and put pony on a roller and cover my hair with a scarf.

After the gym I try to dry some of the sweat in my hair under the dryer for about 5 min. Because I rolled my pony my ends remained dry and smooth.

All I can do then is wear my hair in a bun or a pony.
I have had this same problem/issue in the past. (My hair is in braids now and will be for a while while I transition.) However, when I was fully relaxed and my hair was out, I would have to bun it. I would go to the gym in the a.m. before work and put my hair into a high bun. Then after I worked out and showered, I'd brush it into a low bun. It was still damp from sweat too but it worked and it was simple and presentable for work.

I also had to make sure that I washed and deep conditioned once a week and I did a minimum of two CO washes a week to prevent the sweat from drying out my hair.

HTH! :)
I am also dealing with the same issue.

What I am doing is making sure that I properly moisturize my hair at night and then again in the morning before gym. Then I put it in a bun and put pony on a roller and cover my hair with a scarf.

After the gym I try to dry some of the sweat in my hair under the dryer for about 5 min. Because I rolled my pony my ends remained dry and smooth.

All I can do then is wear my hair in a bun or a pony.

I am thinking your post and maybe I could try the ponytail set. Get the ouchless ponyholders about 8 of them and put small rollers on the ends. That may work.
I don't like to allow sweat to remain on my hair and scalp. I would have to wash afterwards. If you must work out in the morning, can you live with a damp bun afterwards?
This is what drives me crazy about working out. My hair was natural and stills seems that way so I just rinse but if I wanted to wear my hair straight I would not know what to do. A few times I put bantu knots in my hair and kept it moving. I came out with curls but my hair felt gross.
My girl friend I was just talking about this same issue the other day. And feel so frustrated about our hair and trying to keep up with appearance afterwards.We are work out buddies and go to the gym after work. And we do some heavy cardio. Our hair, shirts, pants etc be soaked. So God bless you ladies who are able to go before work and still look presentable.

My girl friend one day came to the gyme with a cute silky flowing wrap. And said that someone recommended she wrap her hair and scarf it real tight and allow it to dry before taking the scarf off. Well, after spin class her hair and scarf was soaked as usual like she went swimming. Let it dry and combed it down. It no longer had bounce or shine and was rather stiff, and felt like she had tons of product on it. The same thing happened to me Monday and I have a fresh relaxer.

I hate to sound all boojie but I really don't want to wear a bun or pony for the rest of the week after doing my hair. Its like I don't even get a chance to really enjoy it and show off my hair because after one work out, forget about lookig cute for the rest of the week. (not that buns and ponies aren't) But I do those things al the time for protective styles and when I don't have time to do my hair.
I pin curl my hair the night before and take off my head scarf when I work out. After I shower (hair covered of course!) and get dressed, my body temp cools down. I put a cool blow dry on it until I no longer can feel the "cold air to wet scalp feeling" (you know what I mean). That's if I wear it curly. Other wise, I tie it down to wear it back . I don't often flat wrap it becuase I don't really like the way it come out. It doesn't dry enough for me.

The trick is to not rush to comb your hair out. It's all trial and error.
I'm still looking for a way ladies. Maybe next I will try pin curling. I have been wearing phony buns and falls but I need to wear my hair out at times and I'm tired of the buns and falls and so is dh. My hair is too short to make my own bun or to put it up in a ponytail with a roller plus when I tried the roller set my ends were still soaked.

I pin curl my hair the night before and take off my head scarf when I work out. After I shower (hair covered of course!) and get dressed, my body temp cools down. I put a cool blow dry on it until I no longer can feel the "cold air to wet scalp feeling" (you know what I mean). That's if I wear it curly. Other wise, I tie it down to wear it back . I don't often flat wrap it becuase I don't really like the way it come out. It doesn't dry enough for me.

The trick is to not rush to comb your hair out. It's all trial and error.
I wear my hair in a high pony tail when pressed. I don't wear a scarf because that just traps in the humidity. I try to work out in the morning (i run) when it is the coolest and there isn't as much humidity.

I can just forget it if I'm indoors. Gyms are a big humidity trap. I don't use gyms though.
What works for me: (Keep in mind that I'm not really squeemish about letting sweat dry in my hair, as long as it's not there longer than 2 days. My schedule is far too hectic/complex for me to be squeemish about my own sweat.)

-Flexi/curlformer set: When my hair is already curled up and I sweat, my newgrowth, etc is camouflaged. I run a light moisturizer thru my hands and then rub it in my hair w/o disturbing the curls too much. Let it dry while I'm getting dressed and, if it looks a lil cockeyed, I'll clip it up or put on a headband. But normally the curls dry okay.

-Wash and Go Ponytail: I'll cowash my hair in the shower then put it into a ponytail. The length of my ponytail still has ringlets, so I'll let them dry. I tie the rest of my hair down w/ a scarf (I'll use aloe vera gel or whatever butter I have near me to keep my edges smooth) and let it 'set' a lil while I drive to work. It won't be completely dry especially in the winter. But it's dry enough that it will continue drying flat. The ponytail just does it's own thing and I don't worry about it too much. Sometimes once the ponytail has dried, I'll put that up in a cute clip or something. Just depends on my mood.

Those are the only two things that have worked for me. I have just come to fully realize and accept that on the days I choose to exercise before work, my hair will not be supadupa fly. :p But I will still be cute/presentable, my makeup will be done, clothes proper, etc.

And when it all boils down to it, I'd rather have a fly body for life than a fly hairstyle a couple days out the week. :yep: I'm just rambling...
I've decided not to let my hair goals get in the way of my workout goals.

With that being said - I do strength training in the mornings before work, so I don't sweat much. I then moisturize and seal and put on a plastic cap before showering. I mostly wear buns anyway, so I'm all good.

I do hard cardio on Sundays and sweat it up to the fullest! :) That's one of my shampoo/dc days anyway.

ETA: I always wear my hair in a bun when I workout.
I've been working out every morning for two years. My hair is always in braids and I wear an older wig in a ponytail or I'll wear a phony pony while working out.

If in a rush, I'll use VS dry shampoo, shower and go...If I have time (which I usually do) I'll do a cowash, towel on head while getting dressed, then put on wig cap and a different wig and go! I dont mind my hair being damp, it's dry by the time I get home.

This works very well for me.
I so feel you on this one sis. I work out and I just bun it during the week. It sucks but I bun anyway as a PS so it's not that big of a deal really. Sometimes I'll wear my hair out at the gym if it still looks okay after the weekend but that's only on days that I'm not doing cardio, just weight training.

I get to enjoy wearing it out from Friday to Monday because I don't work out on the weekends and that's when I wash it.
The night before I usually just part my hair, make two bantu knots on each side of my head, and lay it down with a scarf. I keep it like this while I workout to cut down on frizz and keep my new growth in check. Then when i'm showered and dressed, I use my trusty ez combs to pull my hair back. Depending on the intensity of the workout I can end up with a curly ponytail or a wavy one. I dont sweat to badly from my scalp so it works decent enough.:yep:
When I was working, I would wear braidouts on the days I worked out. Since you don't like braidouts, I would say to bun it or phony pony it.

Oh, and I only worked out 3 or 4 days out of the week, and I would always make sure I did it consecutively so that on that 4th day, for ex, I could go home and do my hair and then look cute for the rest of the week and the weekend.

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Wow I forgot all about this thread. Nowadays, I don't think about my hair as I am natural so after working out I just wash and go or more like wash and gel.

It's great working out and not worrying about hair.
I wear my hair in twists or kind of pin curled under a scarf, and although it's damp when I take it down, it still winds up looking pretty nice afterwards. I mean, it's going to be big no matter what. I actually kind of like the way it reverts and frizzes. The top is a lot looser than the back so it changes the look. Very different look than days when I don't sweat out my scalp.
But there is no way for me to wash my hair every day...it takes a long time to do.
Whether you are working out or not, with natural hair, the results can be unpredictable, so the best thing to do is just roll with the punches.
Actually, for me, when I was relaxed, I wore a huge loose bun so since my styles never needed to be sleek or slicked back, it worked out fine. So I found relaxed hair to be much easier to manage than natural, b/c even when long, I could easily shampoo or rinse my hair and do something with it wet.
I don't sweat much but I leave my hair braided while working out. Then shower and maybe add a little shea butter (if u sweat do as suggested and try a dry shampoo) and then do a braidout. Or a bunned braidout
Don't have anything to add hair-wise (I work out and am a daily co-wash/wet bunner almost 100% of the time) but just wanted to say way to go for starting your morning workout regimen!