Excessive postpartum shedding. please help!

I had my son last year in December and my hair started shedding around February. It started out with a couple stands, but now I just touch my hair and long strands follow. I know it's not breakage cause I examine every strand and I always see the white bulb. I've applied garlic to my scalp and conditioner, but nothing helps. Are there any other methods that I can try? Any advice helps
Honestly it's hormonal, so hair is just going to fall no matter what you do....but it will grow back! I went to the Derm initially, and he gave me a topical to jump start the growth...after that it was just Nioxin vitamins, and Mega Tek, and figuring out a regimen that worked. And time. :yep:

ETA: It will grow back! I know how hard it is, but it will get better. :bighug:
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I feel your pain I gave birth in march:) and my shedding started in june:( I tried garlic poo it didnt work but now im trying coffee and tea rinses. I keep my hair in braids to try and limit manipulation which could cause more to come out.
I'm in the same boat as you. It's so discouraging to see my hair coming out by the handfuls.:nono::nono:. Unfourtunately, this is something that just has to run it's course. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins.
It's hormonal. A colleague (White female) is going through this now. She had her son a few months ago and told me that clumps of her hair are in the bath every time she gets out. She still appears to have the the same hair density that she had prior to the baby so only she is seeing a difference in her hair.
lamaria211 said:
I feel your pain I gave birth in march:) and my shedding started in june:( I tried garlic poo it didnt work but now im trying coffee and tea rinses. I keep my hair in braids to try and limit manipulation which could cause more to come out.

Congrats. I'm also getting braids next week for the same reason.
MSLONG said:
I'm in the same boat as you. It's so discouraging to see my hair coming out by the handfuls.:nono::nono:. Unfourtunately, this is something that just has to run it's course. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins.

I will. Thanks. I can't wait till this process is over. :-(
naturalmanenyc said:
It's hormonal. A colleague (White female) is going through this now. She had her son a few months ago and told me that clumps of her hair are in the bath every time she gets out. She still appears to have the the same hair density that she had prior to the baby so only she is seeing a difference in her hair.

My hair still have the thickness, it's the clumps that I can't get over. It's good to know I'm not alone
I have a 2 month old son and my shedding is just starting.

My last pregnancy was in 2010. I used all kinds of oils and protein and teas garlic whatever to help with my shedding and I like to think that it worked but also I think it just naturally ran its course and by the time my son was 1 year old I had recovered from it and saw little fuzzy baby hairs popping up all over

I'm not going to do anything special this time around. I know it seems bad when its happening but you just have to deal with it.
proudmommyoftwo0911 said:
I had my son last year in December and my hair started shedding around February. It started out with a couple stands, but now I just touch my hair and long strands follow. I know it's not breakage cause I examine every strand and I always see the white bulb. I've applied garlic to my scalp and conditioner, but nothing helps. Are there any other methods that I can try? Any advice helps

It's partly hormonal like others have mentioned but also make sure you're taking care of your self nutritionally. My primary care doctor told me to make sure that I kept taking my prenatal vitamins for several months after I had my daughter. You may be low on iron or other essential vitamins and the stresses of motherhood can also exacerbate shedding. I never had excessive shedding I just went back to my regular shedding schedule and I took prenatal vitamins till my daughter was like one because I needed the extra iron.
Do. Not. Cut. Your. Hair. Seriously...and if it gets bad, you will have the urge. Don't.

It will grow back. It's crazy traumatic (I swore it felt like I was on chemo...that's how much hair I was losing), but it will stop, and then you just have to build up your density....not start from scratch like I did.
So far, no shedding as yet 4 months after having a baby. I eat clean, take my vitamins and a tblspn of chlorella a day in my protein shake. I hope this doesn't change but we will see.
isobell said:
It's partly hormonal like others have mentioned but also make sure you're taking care of your self nutritionally. My primary care doctor told me to make sure that I kept taking my prenatal vitamins for several months after I had my daughter. You may be low on iron or other essential vitamins and the stresses of motherhood can also exacerbate shedding. I never had excessive shedding I just went back to my regular shedding schedule and I took prenatal vitamins till my daughter was like one because I needed the extra iron.

I might have to start back on taking my prenatal vitamins and I take iron supplements daily cause I've always been anemic since my teens.