exam pray


Well-Known Member
Hi lady’s I’ve got a Tax exam tomorrow and a law exam on Tuesday, I really need to pass these, please pray for me

I meant Exam prayer Im not with it the min
Will be praying that you do well on your test. I will be taking tests back to back for the next two weeks. We'll get through it, you'll do fine.
I thank God for bringing all things to your 'rememberance' and to give you the wisdom and thoughts which you know not of,

Study? Yes continue so; but do so in peace, not stress; enjoy the treasured moments of infilling your heart and mind with knowledge. And as God did for King Solomon, the answers will come to you instantly and naturally. Fear nor fret not...for you have a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind. The Holy Spirit dwells within you, so take no thought for what you 'say', for He (God) will speak to you at the appointed time.

In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....:giveheart:
I thank God for bringing all things to your 'rememberance' and to give you the wisdom and thoughts which you know not of,

Study? Yes continue so; but do so in peace, not stress; enjoy the treasured moments of infilling your heart and mind with knowledge. And as God did for King Solomon, the answers will come to you instantly and naturally. Fear nor fret not...for you have a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind. The Holy Spirit dwells within you, so take no thought for what you 'say', for He (God) will speak to you at the appointed time.

In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....:giveheart:

This is beautiful I'm going to print it out and post it over my desk!