Ex commenting on bestfriends pictures

Is this the same friend that called a guy for you who you thought was ignoring you, but he answered her call? The guy you've been seeing off and on for 3 years? Is this the skinny guy with the bald patch, this guy told you in the beginning that he wasn't feeling you like that. You let him spend the night all the time but said no sex without commitment. He didn't want a commitment but you pressed the issue. Same dude who is now chatty with your so-called friend? If I were you, I'd take a break from dating and social media for a few months. Do you have hobbies? Something you want to learn? Maybe sign up for a class or two so you can stop focusing on men/dating. And get some new friends. Best Friends don't snapchat with your ex or help you look foolish by calling a guy who is ignoring you. A friend would have told the guy to *** off when he sent a snapchat and told you not to bother with the ignore guy at all. Where is your mom? Don't you have an older sister? What kind of advice do they offer.....presuming you ask them.

I have taken a break from dating and everything. I don't really ask for people's advice in my life because most of my friends have crappy relationships as well and my mom gives the worst advice. She told me to stay with the guy and work things out. Which is not even an option. I have hobbies and school. I've just been having some crazy things happen to me lately.
I have taken a break from dating and everything. I don't really ask for people's advice in my life because most of my friends have crappy relationships as well and my mom gives the worst advice. She told me to stay with the guy and work things out. Which is not even an option. I have hobbies and school. I've just been having some crazy things happen to me lately.

You know it's deeper than this, right? You can't solve any problem just skimming the surface all of the time.
I would not have said a damn thing, but let the two of them fade to black.

Yup. My cousin did this. She was in this exact situation. After one if their phone sessions were over they tried to figure out where my cousin was. She literally blocked them and cut them off totally. They tag teamed blowing up her phone. The ' friend' called.crying wanting to know what happened. The ex and her left VMS apologizing together . Lmao. They ended up both giving themselves away. This was years ago and to this day and never spoke again.
Yup. My cousin did this. She was in this exact situation. After one if their phone sessions were over they tried to figure out where my cousin was. She literally blocked them and cut them off totally. They tag teamed blowing up her phone. The ' friend' called.crying wanting to know what happened. The ex and her left VMS apologizing together . Lmao. They ended up both giving themselves away. This was years ago and to this day and never spoke again.

That's exactly how you do it. Most of the time when people are behaving badly, they already know that their actions are foul. Therefore, there's no need for any explanations. Just let them fade away.
Yup. My cousin did this. She was in this exact situation. After one if their phone sessions were over they tried to figure out where my cousin was. She literally blocked them and cut them off totally. They tag teamed blowing up her phone. The ' friend' called.crying wanting to know what happened. The ex and her left VMS apologizing together . Lmao. They ended up both giving themselves away. This was years ago and to this day and never spoke again.
This is how I run things too. (I know what it is, ain't nobody got time for theatrics!) As long as you stay mute, it's amazing what they admit to and apologize for.:nono:
I had a problem like this with a family member or two. I don't understand why women fail for this kind of ****. You need attention that bad??!! Furthermore, why are you hitting people up or responding to "friendly" advances if you're family or such a "good friend". Bishes like this make you snatch their *** up or totally destroy their self esteem with about of 10 words or less. I can't stand thirsty *** women. There are toooooooooooooooooooooooo many men in the world for me to worry about one that has showed interest in or fated a friend or family member. Her entertaining him tells you a lot about her self esteem and how thirsty she is. It takes two to get **** started and going. SMH
She's no friend at all. WTH is she communicating with someone who you broke up with? And I'm assuming the breakup wasn't amicable. A real friend would be consoling you during this time. SMH Some women don't understand appropriate boundaries.

And in general, I believe that as far as friends and SO/Husbands are concerned, unless your SO/Husband and your friends were friends before, they don't need to have direct access to each other. NO phone #, no social media contact etc... Some so called friends need to be kept away from your man.