Everyday Shea and Alba Botanica Rainforest Conditioners


New Member
Has anyone here tried these products yet? I believe the Everyday Shea conditioner is pretty new. Reviews would be appreciated :).
I tried the everyday shea--it was decent enough, a 6.5 out of 10. But it didn't leave my hair mositurized for days like Trader Joe NP that I use as a leave-in. I bought the lavendar (mistakenly) version, and I just couldn't deal with the smell. :ohwell: So i'll just be using it to help rinse henna out.
I tried the everyday shea--it was decent enough, a 6.5 out of 10. But it didn't leave my hair mositurized for days like Trader Joe NP that I use as a leave-in. I bought the lavendar (mistakenly) version, and I just couldn't deal with the smell. :ohwell: So i'll just be using it to help rinse henna out.

Thanks for your review. did the everyday shea seem to give your hair good slip? Did it make your hair feel smooth?
Ok, ladies, I'm going to help us all out :grin:. This is obviously a newer product that not a lot of people have tried yet, and we need reviews from various different people. Since I'm looking to switch up my routine anyway, I'll be the guinea pig, lol. I'll definitely buy the conditioner tomorrow, perhaps even the shampoo, then I'll give my complete review on it here. I've been having trouble with -cone free conditioners lately. The old formulation of the smooth as silk was perfect, but ever since they changed it my hair has been feeling drier. I also tried the garnier fructis triple nutrition conditioner, which is also -cone free, and the same thing. It leaves my hair with this yucky, matte finish. The everyday shea conditioner is -cone free and claims to be moisturizing, so hopefully it performs well.
I purchased it also (Everyday Shea), but since I fail as an internet conversationalist.. my "review" will be short. It should be here tomorrow :)
I have to use it again, because I already forgot how it was :spinning:, but..

It has the consistency of a lotion, it's not thick.

My hair is mush right now, and has been since my last wash, so I can't say whether it made my hair soft .. until after I give myself a protein treatment (next week).

I'll be using it on my sister's hair, today.. so we'll see. I'm natural, 4a.. also.. so we're in different boats :P
I used the Everyday Shea lavendar mint shampoo. The smell was not bad and its not overly minty. It's not stripping but is not super moisturizing. I think the same company makes the Alaffia(shea) products.
I tried the Everyday Shea conditioner in Lavendar yesterday. Here is my initial review. I will follow up as I continue to use it.

So, did I like the product? Well, yes and no. Initially I found the product to be lotion-y in consistency, and it provided very little slip (but this could also be due to the fact that I had clarified my hair with both baking soda and acv prior, but I digress :drunk:). And I always test out my rinse-out conditioners to see if they can be used as leave-ins, so I applied a liberal amount of it in my hair after washing and waited for it to dry. I waited until my hair was about 75-80% dry and realized my hair felt very clumpy, greasy, and slightly waxy. So being the person that I am, I hopped back in the shower, shampooed my hair over again (with Giovanni TTTT), conditioned with Giovanni SAS, and applied the Everyday shea solely as a leave-in. I expected to get the same results, but surprisingly the results were different. It didn't feel all too great while drying, but when it was completely dry my hair felt so very moisturized and smooth. So the final result was good. The next day I applied some to my dry hair as a moisturizer mixed with avocado oil, and I also liked it that way. So I guess my favorite use for it is as a leave-in/moisturizer.

Some tips about this conditioner: A little goes a long way. Don't be heavy handed with this conditioner unless your hair doesn't mind a lot of products. It's moisturizing but doesn't provide a lot of slip when wet (in my opinion). Nevertheless, it is moisturizing. Also don't judge the performance of this conditioner while your hair is wet. Wait until your hair dries completely before forming an opinion. I plan on trying it out again as a rinse-out conditioner, but this time I'm not going to use so much and I won't be using it as a leave-in on wash days. I'll use my Alba Botanica Leave-in and use the everyday shea as a moisturizer on the days I don't wash. So, that's my review in a nutshell. I give it about a 3-3.5 out of 5 only because you can't use it every which way but loose. There seems to be a certain way that works with this product. But so far I like it all right.

P.S. I didn't buy the shampoo. I still have Giovanni TTTT to use up, but once I finish that I plan on purchasing the shampoo as well.
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UPDATE: I've decided that this is an ok conditioner. You can use it a couple of different ways. I'm still undecided about whether this will be a regular in my routine, though. I still have a whole bottle of it. I plan on experimenting with it from week to week. I'm next going to try it as a pre-poo mixed with oils and stuff.
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Bumping this thread. So far my favorite uses of the Everyday Shea condish are now as a Prepoo/DC (recently I've been deep conditioning before I shampoo) and a moisturizer. The thing I like about this conditioner as a DC is that even when you shampoo it doesn't feel like all of the conditioner is being taken away, if that makes any sense, and you can mix it with a whole bunch of other stuff if you'd like. And since my beloved Alba Botanica Leave-in (which can also be used as a moisturizer) is so small and costly i'm going to try alternating my usage of it with the shea conditioner, every other day. It performed decently as a moisturizer the last time I used it.
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