Well-Known Member
ever went back to a CHEATER???

if you've ever been in love..... even swept off of your feet ....but he cheated? broke your heart? with this amongst other things..... you couldn't accept or move past it, for whatever reason


later, HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE, you gave up someone who made your heart sing, made you so happy....& NOW the type of guys you meet don't even come close??...cheap, selfish, unmotivated, no drive, no goals, etc. etc......and yet STILL ARE CHEATERS

DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE....why go from one dream guy to the next .....NOT SO DREAMY GUY and they BOTH CHEAT?

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Helz to the nawh. Go back for what. So he can cheat again. He has shown you WHO he is. Don't look back.
what would would you do...go back? stay single? change sexes?:blush:

Just saw the last line.

Go Back: Hell no
Stay Single: Yes, until the right guy comes along and steal my heart
Change Sexes: What for? Just because one guy broke your heart??
Hell no!!! I love myself more than any figga. If you don't respect me, i don't need or want you in my life.
OP you already know how this is going to turn out right?? I am sure most us will tell you the same thing. Right now your heart is broken and you are hurt. Stop looking back and move forward. Stay strong. Hugs
Is the ex still a cheater? If so, it's better to keep it moving, because no matter how good he makes you feel it won't outweigh the pain of having him continue to betray you.

You'll have more than one great love in your life. It might feel like he can't be topped, but he can. Just be patient and wise.

If the ex approaches you again, entertain that with wisdom.
Is the ex still a cheater? If so, it's better to keep it moving, because no matter how good he makes you feel it won't outweigh the pain of having him continue to betray you.

You'll have more than one great love in your life. It might feel like he can't be topped, but he can. Just be patient and wise.

If the ex approaches you again, entertain that with wisdom.

i actually wasn't referring to me....i guess i need to reword it lol

it has happened to me before, but i've neve had anyone compare to my ex to be honest

i've also always chosen gorgeous men who "happen to be " cheaters

maybe i do have the same scenario huh?
A cheater = someone who cheats.

I won't ever regret leaving "someone who cheats".

Now, is a guy who cheated once and hasn't cheated since still a cheater? If not, I can see myself attempting to reconcile. That is IF.
A cheater = someone who cheats.

I won't ever regret leaving "someone who cheats".

Now, is a guy who cheated once and hasn't cheated since still a cheater? If not, I can see myself attempting to reconcile. That is IF.

i know right? :grin::grin::grin:
but hell u don't know til he hurt your *** again!

or in the case of P Diddy kim porter..... buys yo *** a mansion
I dunno. Lots of women SAY they are tough on cheating men and bounce them out on their ear at the first whiff of deceit. Yet when I look around, I see women ready to fistfight jumpoffs in the Denny's parking lot behind a cheating man, I see women moving mountains to convince a man to stop seeing "the other woman". Esp once kids are involved, it seems most women stay. So I tend to take most women's comments on this topic (cheating men) with a grain of sand.

Personally, I have, when I was young and foolish, and sick in love, taken a cheater back. He continued to cheat, and basically took my forgiveness as a green light to smash any and everything on the planet. :ohwell: So, no, I have not regretting leaving a cheater.
I dunno. Lots of women SAY they are tough on cheating men and bounce them out on their ear at the first whiff of deceit. Yet when I look around, I see women ready to fistfight jumpoffs in the Denny's parking lot behind a cheating man, I see women moving mountains to convince a man to stop seeing "the other woman". Esp once kids are involved, it seems most women stay. So I tend to take most women's comments on this topic (cheating men) with a grain of sand.

Personally, I have, when I was young and foolish, and sick in love, taken a cheater back. He continued to cheat, and basically took my forgiveness as a green light to smash any and everything on the planet. :ohwell: So, no, I have not regretting leaving a cheater.

every single word you've mentioned is quite true
The only reason I regretted it was because I still loved and missed "what we had" Not all people who cheat treat their mate horribly so they may still have that strong attachment to their mate.

However, when you put things on a scale, it's a sign of total disrespect and it's not worth investing the heartache, risk of disease, issues with jumpoffs, the stress of "checking up on him" and side eyeing every woman he's associated with, rumors, outside children, etc, etc and so forth.

There ARE good men out there and just because you had a "was soo good EXCEPT FOR THE CHEATING" doesn't mean you'll not find a "WOW, he's GOOD AND FAITHFUL!"
The only reason I regretted it was because I still loved and missed "what we had" Not all people who cheat treat their mate horribly so they may still have that strong attachment to their mate.

However, when you put things on a scale, it's a sign of total disrespect and it's not worth investing the heartache, risk of disease, issues with jumpoffs, the stress of "checking up on him" and side eyeing every woman he's associated with, rumors, outside children, etc, etc and so forth.

There ARE good men out there and just because you had a "was soo good EXCEPT FOR THE CHEATING" doesn't mean you'll not find a "WOW, he's GOOD AND FAITHFUL!"

The thing I'm experiencing right now is the "he was great except he wanted attention from other women"....got me back miserable. I hated always having to check up on him but I can't help but remember our future plans. SMH...I feel like he's moved on quicker then I have. He's now out and about single while I'm displaced with the kids. How did I end up in this situation?
I dunno. Lots of women SAY they are tough on cheating men and bounce them out on their ear at the first whiff of deceit. Yet when I look around, I see women ready to fistfight jumpoffs in the Denny's parking lot behind a cheating man, I see women moving mountains to convince a man to stop seeing "the other woman". Esp once kids are involved, it seems most women stay. So I tend to take most women's comments on this topic (cheating men) with a grain of sand.

Personally, I have, when I was young and foolish, and sick in love, taken a cheater back. He continued to cheat, and basically took my forgiveness as a green light to smash any and everything on the planet. :ohwell: So, no, I have not regretting leaving a cheater.

This post is so true... The bold made me giggle lol