Ever regret a past partner...


New Member
Ever regret a past partner because the Peen was toooooooo good? He might have been an emotionally unavailable piece of crap liar, cheater heartbreaker...and a whore, (so of course once you figured that out you left him)...but he put it down so good...so hard...so lovely that its etched in your DNA? Lol.

Basically I'm trying to say that you don't necessarily regret coloring with him because he was a jerk, but you regret the act because no one you had after him ever matched up bedroom wise (even if they were honest, faithful, fine Sexicans with adequate bedroom skills who presented you with a diamond after 18 months).

Ie your ex was FIRE, and now your new long term man/DH is...boiling water. You can cook with boiling water your whole life and be satisfied, but you might never burn again.

I hope I explained that in a way people can understand. Anywho, anybody?

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No, didn't get that far. And I'm glad for it, because I would be a total emotional wreck. :nono:
That happened to me. Even tho my current significant other is great in so many ways and 10 times the stand up guy than my whorish ex, he just isn't as good. Now he's not bad by anyones standards, id label our love making as adventurous, open, and awesome. Its just that my ex was a 12 while my current man is a 9. Makes me feel kinda guilty sometimes.

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That happened to me. Even tho my current significant other is great in so many ways and 10 times the stand up guy than my whorish ex, he just isn't as good. Now he's not bad by anyones standards, id label our love making as adventurous, open, and awesome. Its just that my ex was a 12 while my current man is a 9. Makes me feel kinda guilty sometimes.

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I understand 100% and that's why I regret that person. But I think that my emotion is what intensified it 10x over. He was everything - EVERYTHING - I wanted but we couldn't be together. I am SO scared that when I am ready to start dating and being intimate that no one will measure up (no pun intended)....
No, because once I stop liking them, the attraction and all of the other stuff goes out the window.

Well for me...I'm not attracted to him any more. I saw him at a bar some months ago and I was like...ugh! I used to think you were sexy? But that doesn't diminish his raw bedroom talent (which I attribute to his overall slutfulness)

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yes! he was a whore with a silver tongue.. I was soooooo happy when I FINALLY got that ninja :ninja: outta my system #thankuJesus
Well here's the thing...Boiling water can catch a pot on fire if one allows the water to evaporate!:look::look:

What I meant was, you can teach the boiling pot to be fire. Haven't met a man yet that is going to turn down some hot funky monkey sex. So get to work. I'm sure you will have a blast.
Sadly yes and if I had a fairy godmother, I know that she would have bestowed as a gift of that particular part of his anatomy along with his masterful skills in the bedroom as part of my divorce settlement just because it would have made a lovely parting gift.
I wonder this too. Is it the range of emotions that they put us thorugh that intensifies the coloring??? Wackness!

I think its both, kind of...but I'm not sure. I decided with my ex it was because he just had so much experience.

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Yep I had one except he wasn't a cheater or a liar and he didn't treat me bad. He just couldn't keep a job and he looked like a gremlin. :ohwell:
But it really was the best I ever had.
I wish I hadn't had sex with him because now no one measures up! But I'm glad I did because now I know what I'm capable of feeling and I can teach my future man how to make me feel that way. It wasn't even the feelings I had for him that intensified the sex, it was purely his skills. He's gifted and whoever he's with now is one satisfied lady (she might not be happy but her body is satisfied).
Good for you girlie!:lol:

Well for me...I'm not attracted to him any more. I saw him at a bar some months ago and I was like...ugh! I used to think you were sexy? But that doesn't diminish his raw bedroom talent (which I attribute to his overall slutfulness)

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Yes my ex italian/mexican American. :whyme: The first time I saw his crayon I :chocbunny:. Not that I was stereotyping but his dimensions exceeded my expectations. We were soooo intense it was ridiculous:sad:. I don't know if I could behave myself if we were alone in the same room again.

Abstinence is the key ladies. It really is.

If not stay away from large crayons unless you know you're headed for marriage. After they're gone you will undoubtedly have another requirement added to your wish list. :nono:
Yes my ex italian/mexican American. :whyme: The first time I saw his crayon I :chocbunny:. Not that I was stereotyping but his dimensions exceeded my expectations. We were soooo intense it was ridiculous:sad:. I don't know if I could behave myself if we were alone in the same room again.

Abstinence is the key ladies. It really is.

If not stay away from large crayons unless you know you're headed for marriage. After they're gone you will undoubtedly have another requirement added to your wish list. :nono:

Lol, so he was litterally a Sexican. Well, Italian Sexican american

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Ever regret a past partner because the Peen was toooooooo good? He might have been an emotionally unavailable piece of crap liar, cheater heartbreaker...and a whore, (so of course once you figured that out you left him)...but he put it down so good...so hard...so lovely that its etched in your DNA? Lol.

Basically I'm trying to say that you don't necessarily regret coloring with him because he was a jerk, but you regret the act because no one you had after him ever matched up bedroom wise (even if they were honest, faithful, fine Sexicans with adequate bedroom skills who presented you with a diamond after 18 months).

Ie your ex was FIRE, and now your new long term man/DH is...boiling water. You can cook with boiling water your whole life and be satisfied, but you might never burn again.

I hope I explained that in a way people can understand. Anywho, anybody?

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Yes girl, yes! I'll stick with my boiling water though :look:

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Not per se. The guy I regret knew how to go down and "clean the yard" better than anybody EVER. Didn't sleep with him so don't kno about the coloring skills. Everyone after him I just got really sad when they tried. They just couldn't get it as clean as he could.....awww man I had forgot about him now look what u made me do OP