Ever order from Beauty 4 Ashes?


New Member
Something led me to their site earlier and I noticed their prices have gone down. I'd like to try their products some day but now is not that day.

I was wondering. Has anyone ever ordered from them and, if so, what did you get and what did you think of the product?
I did order from them once...I got the Salon Quality System and the VitaMax Protein treatment...I did not like all of the products..the Protein treatment did not feel like it did anything...I felt egg, buttermilk, and some oils did a better job than that did...with the system...once again I did not like the conditioner...it was too grainy and felt it did not moisturize...the shampoo was very moisturizing and I really liked it...but the conditioner took all of that way...it stripped it...the pre-treatment was not needed...I actually used it later in a leave-in concoction I made up...the leave-in with the kit...I did not like it either...I gave it to my canadian mom...and she loved it...she does those perms to make her hair curly and it did wonders for her hair...lol...I did like the super grow oil...but since my hair can get super oily on it's own...I have to be careful with that... :)...so the only thing I liked was the shampoo and their oil...it did make my hair thicker...sometimes the oil was too thick to where it made it difficult to comb my hair without pulling it...I do not know how to describe it...anywho...if you really want to try just get a good shampoo without the fruit so your self life last at least six months...and maybe one oil...but I would warn you...it does smell really herbally...and it is strong...and you will get mixed comments...maybe you can try some other type on their line that has a sweeter smell...what you can do is buy some of their oils and make your own shampoo and conditioners from it...like their grow oil...they do put a lot more oils in their products that is listed...they only list the main ingredients on the site...to buy all of the oils would cost a lot...I did some research...currently I am switching to indian herbs...but may go back to trying some of their shampoos...if nothing else...I like to read-up on their combination on their site and make-up my own at home... :)...it is cheaper that way...lol...I hope this help...also...there is another girl that has a post about these products...she loves them and uses the whole line...my hair is a little different...which is why most beauticians mess it up...I have only had two in my entire life know how to do my hair and the last one admitted to me that my hair was different and she has only met one other person with my hair type...so you may not want to take my opinion... :)
Something led me to their site earlier and I noticed their prices have gone down. I'd like to try their products some day but now is not that day.

I was wondering. Has anyone ever ordered from them and, if so, what did you get and what did you think of the product?

I wanted to order from them sooooo badly however, their prices are ridiculous when you think about the sizes and how long it lasts....not worth it to me.