Ever mixed Surge with some type of oil?


Well-Known Member
Today, I had the idea of adding some l'huile maquisti *pure castor oil* to my Surge bottle. I shook it up then it seemed like it didn't mix but I guess it did by the time I applied it later on. I was washing my hair cuz i had a castor hot oil treatment in for 30 minutes under the dryer and then i completely forgot about the added castor to my Surge, so I"m putting it in, and i'm like why does my hair still smell like that! then i remembered. Either way, that's not the point.

Has anyone ever mixed their Surge with some type of oil? How has it worked for you? Did the Surge keep on working or did the oil hinder the effects of the Surge? cuz honestly, i'm regretting it, cuz i'm not sure why I did it. Should I get another bottle tomorrow??
Yes, I mix it with peppermint oil (got this idea from LHCF of course!) and I LOVE IT!!! It gives my scalp the tingles and it smells great. That's the only way I use it now.
I have mixed Surge in EVERYTHING that I use from day-to-day...
I think so far so good... I have noticed some good growth three weeks after using the second bottle...
Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but the moisture has helped me to focus on the new growth and not the fact that the protein was drying out my hair. So mixing doesn't ruin the effect...

So ahead and mix it!! :grin:
nslewis said:
Yes, I mix it with peppermint oil (got this idea from LHCF of course!) and I LOVE IT!!! It gives my scalp the tingles and it smells great. That's the only way I use it now.

ITA!!!!! I've done this with great *tingling* results! :up: Gotta have the tingle!!!

I have not put anything in the bottle but I started use WGO on my scalp after I spray and my hair would not be dry like it was in the beginning.

Now I use the Surge Ultra Max and Surge 14 and don't have any problems with dryness.