Ever feel like just chopping it all off??


Well-Known Member
Ok, so have any of you ever felt like after years of trying reach goals and maintain them you just get sick of it all and just wanna chop it all off?

This was me today... I always seem to have the melt downs after I have to cut my hair to due damage that I caused and today for a few hours i was convinced that I should just cut it all off and just start over. I grew to APL and even to the top BSL. But now after doing some real stupid sh%t ( i purchased a curling iron a few months ago) i managed to damage my hair after all my hard work :perplexed

I kow what it takes to grow it back and even went and had my hair cut today:perplexed but now i'm sad at how short it looks.

My ultimate goal was to be full MBL by my 40th birthday... clearly that's not gonna happen.

I need to find a solid vitamin regimen again (thanks nioxin) and once again simplify my products....

Does anyone of you ever feel like your just fighting a losing battle?
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:bighug: I'm sorry you feel this way.

This time last year I could have written your post. I had my hair heat damaged in July 2011 and just as I was getting the hang of transitioning, went to a salon with a friend and got my hair heat styled and damaged again in December 2011. I gave up the ghost and cut it all off in March of this year. I went from a few inches from APL to a TWA. With time and good hair care practices, I'm now about 2 inches from SL. What's your length now?
I have empathy for you because this just happened to me. I've been dealing with more breakage than I'm comfortable with and I just wanted to break out some scissors. I always just tell myself not to stress out about it & that chopping my hair off is not going to help me reach my goals any faster. I try to just stay calm and do something else for a while. On the plus side, you know what to avoid when growing your hair out and it should be easier for you. Good luck and don't stress. :)
In 2011 after a bad salon experience with a HOT COMB. I wanted to do BC #2.

I decided against it and just clipped off the damage and took extra care of my hair for 2012.

Healthy hair has definitely been a journey for me.
Yeah especially during detangling sessions. But I may have just found a fix.

I've been stuck at BSB over a year now and it only took 2.5 years post BC to get there. Now I am right at 4 years post PC and still here. I have had major setbacks which has left me with layers. They are growing out now due to regular dusting and trimming but it was a challenge. The same setbacks caused my edges to thin and they are on the mend thanks to the ORS temple balm serum. After some research of those who successfully grew their edges in, I added some Rosemary Oil to the temple balm and I am hopeful!

The fix had to be more strict regimen. For a year I've been just washing/DC-in every two weeks and wearing twists for 2-3 weeks. This summer I started getting braided updos and saw better retention this fall! After checking the regimens of some MBL+ ladies on different sites, including this one I learned I needed to add a step (pre-poo), and do more protein with my DC's. Maybe alternate more.

I always knew regimens change, and mine has on this journey. But this site and others keep me determined. :bighug: to you and your journey. For inspiration I like to look at pics and YT's with textures similar to mine. I also don't put anymore timetables on my hair goals. I'll get there when I get there. I take it month by month. Best wishes:)
Daily. I want to big chop so bad and just may do it this week. I meand down to nothing big hop because I am not good at transitioning at all.
want from APL this morning to SL layers by 2pm :(
I guess I should be glad that all the damaged ends are cut and I now have a clean slate to work with, but i still hate the length now.
I have empathy for you because this just happened to me. I've been dealing with more breakage than I'm comfortable with and I just wanted to break out some scissors. I always just tell myself not to stress out about it & that chopping my hair off is not going to help me reach my goals any faster. I try to just stay calm and do something else for a while. On the plus side, you know what to avoid when growing your hair out and it should be easier for you. Good luck and don't stress. :)

thanks, i know your right in what your saying... cause as soon as I go and cut it off, i'll be regretting it days later... and especially when i have to go and sit at a salon bi weekly to maintain it.

I'm just gonna have to give the new curling away like I gave away all my other tools when i first started my journey to keep from using them.
thanks, i know your right in what your saying... cause as soon as I go and cut it off, i'll be regretting it days later... and especially when i have to go and sit at a salon bi weekly to maintain it.

I'm just gonna have to give the new curling away like I gave away all my other tools when i first started my journey to keep from using them.

Keeping the temptation away from you is definitely a good idea.

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I go through this every few years it seems like. Lol. Want to chop it down now actually, but not sure if i will. I might end up clipping little by little over the next few years until it gets back to the way it should be.
That is me!! no matter what I do for my nape it grows and breaks.... grows and breaks... grows and breaks. I have medium density hair so I really NEED my nape to be in the game for my hair to look right to ME. My hair is growing with the exception of the defiant section and I have just decided to concentrate on healthy hair and hope that my hair grows enough to make my nape undetectable.. and I keep fighting the urge to chop it all off and call it a day.
Yes I sure do at times....not for lack of reaching goal things just get tired of it.

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Yes, unfortunately. Then I think of the progress I've made (which seems so little to me) and think well darn, it would take even longer just to get back here if I were to cut it. Then that saddens me and I can't cut it. :nono:
Nope, but in all fairness natural hair becomes more fun once you get past shoulder length. I'm currently bsl and never did a bc, I transitioned doing bantu knots and had no forums or yt channels to assist me. I had many setbacks and just keep going and tweaking. If anything I've learned to love my hair and accept it for what it is and what it needs. I felt ugly while transitioning but never considered relaxing because I felt light was at the end of the tunnel even though it seemed so very far away.
Yup . I have some heat damage from my last "professional" straightening session and it's in so many places that i just want to start all over. But i know that i will regret it so i am holding off until.......
I felt like that a few minutes ago. My tangles can be so extreme, my hair can lock up within a few days of PSing. I think I need to probably cowash more often, but this is getting ridiculous. I try so hard to keep my hair from breaking to no avail...
Yes! I'm glad you made this post and I haven't finished reading all of the replies but this happens to way more than you think. I think I need to cut like a good 2 inches off the ends because of split ends. Even when I got it flat-ironed for an occasion last week the ends were the only part that was not straight, they were all fluffy :ohwell: It kills me because I did nothing but protective styling pretty much all of 2012 and extremely low manipulation yet we live and learn I guess. I don't even know how to cut my hair. When I do it myself it looks like a 4 year old did it haha...I think I'm going to go to a white salon though to do it.
I've been feeling like this lately. I think it would be nice to just cut my hair and start my hhj over from there, but I know if I were to do that I would be crying about it the next day:lol:
Angelinhell said:
I've been feeling like this lately. I think it would be nice to just cut my hair and start my hhj over from there, but I know if I were to do that I would be crying about it the next day:lol:

Lol! You and me both.
Ok, so have any of you ever felt like after years of trying reach goals and maintain them you just get sick of it all and just wanna chop it all off?

This was me today... I always seem to have the melt downs after I have to cut my hair to due damage that I caused and today for a few hours i was convinced that I should just cut it all off and just start over. I grew to APL and even to the top BSL. But now after doing some real stupid sh%t ( i purchased a curling iron a few months ago) i managed to damage my hair after all my hard work :perplexed

I kow what it takes to grow it back and even went and had my hair cut today:perplexed but now i'm sad at how short it looks.

My ultimate goal was to be full MBL by my 40th birthday... clearly that's not gonna happen.

I need to find a solid vitamin regimen again (thanks nioxin) and once again simplify my products....

Does anyone of you ever feel like your just fighting a losing battle?

this was me in 2010. yes. i have felt that way. it's not fun.

the attached picture is my hair in 2010 after i had to cut 3-4 inches off from damage from trying a grow aid.....i had just started to graze APL. APL was my initial hair journey goal. it took me 3 years to get there from neck length. needless to say i was DEVASTATED to have to cut my hair. my siggy is 2 and a half years later. i am a slow grower, so i treasure every inch.

hang in there....it does get better. you just have to roll with your mistakes, missteps and keep it moving.


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Op I'm with you. I keep growing to BSL with see through ends and I have to cut it back up. I'm so tired of it.